Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Specify behavior for post-handshake CRYPTO messages (#2524)

Nick Harper <> Tue, 16 April 2019 21:09 UTC

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From: Nick Harper <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Specify behavior for post-handshake CRYPTO messages (#2524)
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nharper commented on this pull request.

> +CRYPTO frames out of order. Endpoints MAY choose to allow more data to be
+buffered during the handshake. A larger limit during the handshake could allow
+for larger keys or credentials to be exchanged. An endpoint's buffer size does
+not need to remain constant during the life of the connection.
+Being unable to buffer CRYPTO frames during the handshake leads to a connection
+failure. If an endpoint's buffer is exceeded during the handshake, it can expand
+its buffer temporarily to complete the handshake. If an endpoint cannot expand
+its buffer, it MUST close the connection with a CRYPTO_BUFFER_EXCEEDED error
+Once the handshake completes, if an endpoint is unable to buffer all data in a
+CRYPTO frame, it MAY discard all subsequent CRYPTO frames, or it MAY close the
+connection with an CRYPTO_BUFFER_EXCEEDED error code. If an endpoint chooses to
+discard all subsequent CRYPTO frames, the packets containing these CRYPTO frames
+MUST be acknowledged.

I tweaked the wording to be similar to that.

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