Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Tolerate unknown stream types, add greasing (#1525)

janaiyengar <> Fri, 06 July 2018 20:50 UTC

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From: janaiyengar <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Tolerate unknown stream types, add greasing (#1525)
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janaiyengar commented on this pull request.

A couple of comments

 If the stream header indicates a stream type which is not supported by the
-recipient, this SHOULD be treated as a stream error of type
-HTTP_UNKNOWN_STREAM_TYPE.  The semantics of the remainder of the stream are
-unknown. Implementations SHOULD NOT send stream types the peer is not already
-known to support, since a stream error can be promoted to a connection error at
-the peer's discretion (see {{errors}}).
+recipient, the remainder of the stream cannot be consumed as the semantics are
+unknown. Recipients of unknown stream types MAY trigger a QUIC STOP_SENDING
+frame with an error code of HTTP_UNKNOWN_STREAM_TYPE, but MUST NOT consider such
+streams to be an error of any kind.
+Implementations SHOULD NOT send stream types the peer is not already known to
+support.   Stream types which could modify the state or semantics of existing

This text recommends (SHOULD NOT) negotiating supported stream types. Is this recommendation necessary?

> @@ -1651,6 +1670,18 @@ The entries in the following table are registered by this document.
 | Push Stream      | 0x50   | {{server-push}}            | Server |
 | ---------------- | ------ | -------------------------- | ------ |
+Additionally, each code of the format `0x1f * N` for values of N in the
+range (0..8) (that is, `0x00`, `0x1f`, etc., through `0xf8`), the following

Let's list them all; it's only 8 values. ('0x00', '0x1f', '0x3e', '0x5d', '0x7c', '0x9b', '0xba', '0xd9', '0xf8').

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