Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] In an unlikely event of emergency.... set ECN marks (#3454)

Martin Thomson <> Thu, 13 February 2020 23:51 UTC

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Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2020 15:51:29 -0800
From: Martin Thomson <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] In an unlikely event of emergency.... set ECN marks (#3454)
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martinthomson approved this pull request.

I think that this is OK.  I don't know why CI is complaining; I can sort that out though.

> @@ -3485,10 +3485,13 @@ packets on a new path to a peer:
 * If all packets that were sent with the ECT(0) codepoint are eventually deemed
   lost {{QUIC-RECOVERY}}, validation is deemed to have failed.
-To reduce the chances of misinterpreting congestive loss as packets dropped by a
-faulty network element, an endpoint could set the ECT(0) codepoint in the first
-ten outgoing packets on a path, or for a period of three RTTs, whichever occurs
+During the initial deployment of ECN an implementation bug was observed that
+led to black-holing of ECN-marked packet (mostly in home router equipment).
+While this case if unlikely in the Internet today, if this is as a concern for

While this case is unlikely in the Internet today, if this is as a concern for

Did you want to cite the study paper here to support this statement?

> @@ -3485,10 +3485,13 @@ packets on a new path to a peer:
 * If all packets that were sent with the ECT(0) codepoint are eventually deemed
   lost {{QUIC-RECOVERY}}, validation is deemed to have failed.
-To reduce the chances of misinterpreting congestive loss as packets dropped by a
-faulty network element, an endpoint could set the ECT(0) codepoint in the first
-ten outgoing packets on a path, or for a period of three RTTs, whichever occurs
+During the initial deployment of ECN an implementation bug was observed that
+led to black-holing of ECN-marked packet (mostly in home router equipment).
+While this case if unlikely in the Internet today, if this is as a concern for
+a certain network, an endpoint could set the ECT(0) codepoint only in, e.g., the

I would strike "for a certain network" here.

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