[quicwg/base-drafts] Desirable behavior when it takes time to derive the traffic keys for the next PN space (#3821)

Kazuho Oku <notifications@github.com> Sun, 05 July 2020 05:08 UTC

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Subject: [quicwg/base-drafts] Desirable behavior when it takes time to derive the traffic keys for the next PN space (#3821)
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During the handshake, there are moments when an endpoint receives a packet from its peer and calculates the traffic keys of the next PN space. To give some examples, a server receives an Initial packet containing ClientHello, and derives the Handshake keys. Or, a client receives the Handshake packets, verifies the handshake transcript (including the certificate chain) and derives the 1-RTT keys.

While deriving the traffic keys of the next PN space, an endpoint might receive packets protected belonging to the next PN space. Note that the process of deriving the traffic keys might take some time.

I see Chrome running on a PC spending ~100ms for verifying the certificate chain, when it is launched from the command line along with the URL to be fetched. I presume that such launch-to-fetch-URL behavior would not be uncommon on PCs and handheld devices. Another (more) extreme case would be when OCSP is involved.

In these cases, the time required for deriving the new keys could take more than a handful of RTTs.

Hence the following questions, that might be worth clarifying in the specifications:

* Q1. How should an endpoint behave when it takes time to derive the traffic keys of the next PN space?
  * Q1.1. Should the endpoint continue ACKing packets of the current PN space?
  * Q1.2. Can the endpoint discard packets of the next PN space, as it can expect those packets to be retransmitted?
* Q2. How should the peer behave?

Re Q1.1, I think that the answer is yes, it should. Such an endpoint should calculate the next set of traffic keys asynchronously. It should continue running the QUIC transport for the existing PN space. To give an example, while the client verifies the certificate chain, it should ACK and continue ACKing the Handshake packets that it receives.

Re Q1.2, I think the answer is no. An endpoint SHOULD buffer packets of the next PN space while it calculates the traffic keys for that PN space. This is because the peer cannot distinguish the endpoint dropping packets vs. packets being dropped by the network. Dropping the packets lead to the peer's congestion controller exiting the startup phase. That is going to have a negative effect on performance.

Re Q2, I would argue that, ideally, the peer SHOULD refrain from arming the PTO timer for the packets of the next PN space, when it knows that the endpoint has all the information to derive the traffic keys of the next PN space, and knows that the endpoint would send something once those traffic keys are derived. To give an example, a server SHOULD NOT arm the PTO timer for 0.5 RTT data until it receives ClientFinished. At the very least, we should caution the server to not send Handshake(PING) packets alongside the 1-RTT probe, as ACKs for Handshake(PING) packets would reset the PTO timer.

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