Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] An example ECN validation algorithm (#3320)

Martin Thomson <> Wed, 08 January 2020 05:23 UTC

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From: Martin Thomson <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] An example ECN validation algorithm (#3320)
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martinthomson commented on this pull request.

> +the effect of packets sent prior to starting testing, though it is necessary for
+a sender to remember what markings were used for every packet that is
+acknowledged; see {{ecn-ack}}.
+The testing period runs for a number of packets or round trip times as
+determined by the endpoint.  During this time, packets sent are marked with
+ECT(0).  The goal is to limit the duration of the testing period, but to ensure
+that enough marked packets are sent that it is likely that ECN counts will
+provide a clear indication of how the path treats marked packets.
+<!-- Do we need a more concrete recommendation here?  For instance, I might say
+"Endpoints could test with packets that amount to between 1 to 2 times the
+initial congestion window over a period between 1 to 2 times the estimated RTT."
+After the testing period ends, the ECN state for the path becomes "unknown".

Though Mirja will disagree, this algorithm is extremely conservative, consistent with the existing test, and it disables ECT markings after this period in case there is a black hole.  I suspect that some implementations will just always mark and that's cool, but that's somewhat simpler, I think.  In that case, the algorithm is "mark unless validation on that path has recently failed".

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