Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] A pacing algorithm (#3630)

Martin Thomson <> Tue, 12 May 2020 23:15 UTC

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Date: Tue, 12 May 2020 16:15:18 -0700
From: Martin Thomson <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] A pacing algorithm (#3630)
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@martinthomson commented on this pull request.

> +following relation for the total number of bytes sent over any interval:
+sent@t[n] - sent@t[m]
+    <= N * congestion_window * (t[m] - t[n]) / smoothed_rtt
+       + min(10 * max_datagram_size,
+             max(2 * max_datagram_size, 14720))
+The inclusion of the factor, `N`, that increases the rate of sending is to
+anticipate increases in sending rate as the congestion window expands. Sending
+at a higher rate also avoids having scheduling delays reduce the send rate
+below that allowed by the congestion controller. A value of 2 ensures that
+pacing is unlikely to limit what is sent any more than the congestion


An endpoint that does not burst packets and has even spacing between packets
might send packets spaced at intervals of:

inter-packet time = smoothed_rtt * packet_size / congestion_window / N

> +The inclusion of the factor, `N`, that increases the rate of sending is to
+anticipate increases in sending rate as the congestion window expands. Sending
+at a higher rate also avoids having scheduling delays reduce the send rate
+below that allowed by the congestion controller. A value of 2 ensures that
+pacing is unlikely to limit what is sent any more than the congestion

The inclusion of the factor, `N`, with a value of at least 1 increases the rate
of sending. The value of `N` might be increased to avoid having scheduling
delays reduce the send rate below that allowed by the congestion controller.

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