Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] clarify what happens when consuming CIDs excessively (#2428)

Jana Iyengar <> Fri, 22 February 2019 02:12 UTC

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From: Jana Iyengar <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] clarify what happens when consuming CIDs excessively (#2428)
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janaiyengar approved this pull request.

A few nits, but this looks good to me. That said, this issue will need consensus.

> @@ -961,12 +961,16 @@ cannot expect its peer to store and use all issued connection IDs.
 An endpoint SHOULD ensure that its peer has a sufficient number of available and
 unused connection IDs.  While each endpoint independently chooses how many
 connection IDs to issue, endpoints SHOULD provide and maintain at least eight
-connection IDs.  The endpoint SHOULD do this by always supplying a new
-connection ID when a connection ID is retired by its peer or when the endpoint
-receives a packet with a previously unused connection ID.  Endpoints that
-initiate migration and require non-zero-length connection IDs SHOULD provide
-their peers with new connection IDs before migration, or risk the peer closing
-the connection.
+connection IDs.  The endpoint SHOULD do this by supplying a new connection ID
+when a connection ID is retired by its peer or when the endpoint receives a
+packet with a previously unused connection ID, though it MAY limit the frequency

packet with a previously unused connection ID.  However, it MAY limit the frequency

> @@ -961,12 +961,16 @@ cannot expect its peer to store and use all issued connection IDs.
 An endpoint SHOULD ensure that its peer has a sufficient number of available and
 unused connection IDs.  While each endpoint independently chooses how many
 connection IDs to issue, endpoints SHOULD provide and maintain at least eight
-connection IDs.  The endpoint SHOULD do this by always supplying a new
-connection ID when a connection ID is retired by its peer or when the endpoint
-receives a packet with a previously unused connection ID.  Endpoints that
-initiate migration and require non-zero-length connection IDs SHOULD provide
-their peers with new connection IDs before migration, or risk the peer closing
-the connection.
+connection IDs.  The endpoint SHOULD do this by supplying a new connection ID
+when a connection ID is retired by its peer or when the endpoint receives a
+packet with a previously unused connection ID, though it MAY limit the frequency
+or the total number of connection IDs issued for each connection to avoid the
+risk of running out of connection IDs (see {{reset-token}}).
+Endpoints that initiate migration and require non-zero-length connection IDs

An endpoint that initiates migration and requires non-zero-length connection IDs

> @@ -961,12 +961,16 @@ cannot expect its peer to store and use all issued connection IDs.
 An endpoint SHOULD ensure that its peer has a sufficient number of available and
 unused connection IDs.  While each endpoint independently chooses how many
 connection IDs to issue, endpoints SHOULD provide and maintain at least eight
-connection IDs.  The endpoint SHOULD do this by always supplying a new
-connection ID when a connection ID is retired by its peer or when the endpoint
-receives a packet with a previously unused connection ID.  Endpoints that
-initiate migration and require non-zero-length connection IDs SHOULD provide
-their peers with new connection IDs before migration, or risk the peer closing
-the connection.
+connection IDs.  The endpoint SHOULD do this by supplying a new connection ID
+when a connection ID is retired by its peer or when the endpoint receives a
+packet with a previously unused connection ID, though it MAY limit the frequency
+or the total number of connection IDs issued for each connection to avoid the
+risk of running out of connection IDs (see {{reset-token}}).
+Endpoints that initiate migration and require non-zero-length connection IDs
+SHOULD ensure that the pool of connection IDs available to their peers allows

SHOULD ensure that the pool of connection IDs available to its peer allows

> @@ -961,12 +961,16 @@ cannot expect its peer to store and use all issued connection IDs.
 An endpoint SHOULD ensure that its peer has a sufficient number of available and
 unused connection IDs.  While each endpoint independently chooses how many
 connection IDs to issue, endpoints SHOULD provide and maintain at least eight
-connection IDs.  The endpoint SHOULD do this by always supplying a new
-connection ID when a connection ID is retired by its peer or when the endpoint
-receives a packet with a previously unused connection ID.  Endpoints that
-initiate migration and require non-zero-length connection IDs SHOULD provide
-their peers with new connection IDs before migration, or risk the peer closing
-the connection.
+connection IDs.  The endpoint SHOULD do this by supplying a new connection ID
+when a connection ID is retired by its peer or when the endpoint receives a
+packet with a previously unused connection ID, though it MAY limit the frequency
+or the total number of connection IDs issued for each connection to avoid the
+risk of running out of connection IDs (see {{reset-token}}).
+Endpoints that initiate migration and require non-zero-length connection IDs
+SHOULD ensure that the pool of connection IDs available to their peers allows
+them to use a new connection ID on migration, as the peer will close the

the peer to use a new connection ID on migration, as the peer will close the

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