Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Desirable behavior when it takes time to derive the traffic keys for the next PN space (#3821)

Kazuho Oku <> Tue, 14 July 2020 23:20 UTC

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Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2020 16:20:38 -0700
From: Kazuho Oku <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Desirable behavior when it takes time to derive the traffic keys for the next PN space (#3821)
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> Separately, reporting this delay as part of ack_delay assumes that the implementation timestamps the packet when received at the endpoint. Meaning that if the endpoint actually does the cert verification synchronously, and does not read from the socket until that is complete, then it will need to read kernel receive times.

I think we do not need require endpoints doing that. We do not even require endpoints to verify certificate chain asynchronously, meaning that we allow endpoints to simplify their implementation at the risk of performance penalty.

I'd argue that not capping ack_delay during the handshake is strictly better than capping the value all the time, assuming that the client's clock is not drifting. That is because the server would have a better RTT estimate when the client reports the correct numbers. If the client fails to do so, it'd be the same as status quo, where RTT estimate would become larger than the actual value.

All that said, I am totally fine with leaving this an open area that endpoints can experiment.

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