Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] sender SHOULD limit bursts (#3936)

ianswett <> Mon, 27 July 2020 19:25 UTC

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From: ianswett <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] sender SHOULD limit bursts (#3936)
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@ianswett approved this pull request.

This LG.  One nit is that I don't think the knowledge needs to be prior, since it could be experimentally determined, particularly with a loss-based CC like Reno which will decrease CWND and rate upon experiencing loss.

> @@ -877,12 +877,15 @@ similar to a sender's response on a Retransmission Timeout (RTO) in TCP
 ## Pacing {#pacing}
-This document does not specify a pacer, but it is RECOMMENDED that a sender pace
-sending of all in-flight packets based on input from the congestion
-controller.  Sending multiple packets into the network without any delay between
-them creates a packet burst that might cause short-term congestion and losses.
-Implementations MUST either use pacing or another method to limit such bursts
-to the initial congestion window; see {{initial-cwnd}}.
+A sender SHOULD pace sending of all in-flight packets based on input from the
+congestion controller.
+Sending multiple packets into the network without any delay between them creates
+a packet burst that might cause short-term congestion and losses. Senders MUST
+either use pacing or limit such bursts. Senders SHOULD limit bursts to the
+initial congestion window; see {{initial-cwnd}}. A sender with prior knowledge

initial congestion window; see {{initial-cwnd}}. A sender with knowledge

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