Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Rework Retry packet (#1498)

Nick Banks <> Thu, 19 July 2018 13:31 UTC

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From: Nick Banks <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Rework Retry packet (#1498)
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nibanks commented on this pull request.

> +A Retry packet does not include a packet number and cannot be explictly
+acknowledged by a client.
+A server MUST only send a Retry in response to a client Initial packet.
+If the Original Destination Connection ID field does not match the Destination
+Connection ID from the most recent Initial packet it sent, clients MUST discard
+the packet.  This prevents an off-path attacker from injecting a Retry packet.
+The client responds to a Retry packet with an Initial packet that includes the
+provided Retry Token to continue connection establishment.
+A server that might send another Retry packet in response to a subsequent
+Initial packet MUST set the Source Connection ID to a new value of at least 8
+octets in length.  This allows clients to distinguish between Retry packets when
+the server sends multiple rounds of Retry packets.  Consequently, a valid Retry

@mikkelfj if the client uses a new SCID then it would be considered an entirely new connection, and might elicit another Retry. I am talking about removing the requirement from the server in generating new random CID, and instead have the client generate a new random DCID for each try.

Also, on the going further, I am only talking about Retry. After that, in the handshake the server can/will change the CID to whatever it wants.

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