Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Consequences of bad ECN markings (#1626)

Martin Thomson <> Thu, 02 August 2018 00:05 UTC

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From: Martin Thomson <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Consequences of bad ECN markings (#1626)
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martinthomson commented on this pull request.

> +peer.  Suppressing reports of ECN-CE markings could cause a peer to increase
+their send rate.  This increase could result in congestion and loss.
+An endpoint MAY attempt to detect suppression of reports by marking occasional
+packets that they send with ECN-CE.  If a packet marked with ECN-CE is not
+reported as having been marked when the packet is acknowledged, the endpoint
+SHOULD then disable ECN for that path.
+Reporting additional ECN-CE markings will cause a peer to reduce their sending
+rate, which is similar in effect to advertising reduced connection flow control
+limits and so no advantage is gained by doing so.
+Endpoints choose the congestion controller that they use.  Though congestion
+controllers ideally use reports of ECN markings as input, the exact response for
+each controller could be different.  Failure to correctly respond to information
+about ECN markings is therefore difficult to detect.

Would this be better if it said "Though congestion controllers generally treat reports of ECN-CE markings as equivalent to loss [RFC8311], the exact response for each controller could be different." ?

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