Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Fix for off-path migration attack (#2033)

Ken McMillan <> Fri, 23 November 2018 02:15 UTC

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From: Ken McMillan <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Fix for off-path migration attack (#2033)
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kenmcmil commented on this pull request.

> +
+In response to an apparent migration, endpoints MUST validate the previously
+active path using a PATH_CHALLENGE frame.  This induces the sending of new
+packets on that path.  If the path is no longer viable, the validation attempt
+will time out and fail; if the path is viable, but no longer desired, the
+validation will succeed, but only result in a probing packet being sent on the
+An endpoint that receives a PATH_CHALLENGE on an active path SHOULD send a
+non-probing packet in response.  If the non-probing packet arrives before any
+copy made by an attacker, this results in the connection being migrated back to
+the original path.  Any subsequent migration to another path resets this entire
+Abandoning this validation attempt before it either succeeds or times out
+increases exposure to the packet copying attack.

Maybe this statement should be made more explicit. That is, the server should not abandon or even postpone a pending path validation when a new apparent migration is seen. Consider the case where the copying attacker's path to the server has about the same latency as the client's path. The server will see a random mix of packets from both paths, which results in a rapid sequence of apparent migrations. If each apparent migration causes pending validation attempts to be abandoned, or just causes the timer to be reset, then no validation will succeed and the server will never send another non-probing packet. This is what I observed in picoquic -- successive timer resets caused the server to become completely silent. 

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