Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] First octet changes (#2006)

Martin Thomson <> Sun, 18 November 2018 22:59 UTC

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From: Martin Thomson <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] First octet changes (#2006)
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martinthomson commented on this pull request.

Thanks for the feedback everyone.

> @@ -771,10 +771,9 @@ used for QUIC packet protection is the AEAD that is negotiated for use with the
 TLS connection.  For example, if TLS is using the TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, the
 AEAD_AES_128_GCM function is used.
-QUIC packets are protected prior to applying packet number protection
-({{pn-encrypt}}).  The unprotected packet number is part of the associated data
-(A).  When removing packet protection, an endpoint first removes the protection
-from the packet number.
+Packets are protected prior to applying header protection ({{header-protect}}).

I considered this, but the fact is that we also protect the header, so payload is equally misleading, perhaps more so.

> +with the remaining bytes.
+{{pseudo-hp}} shows a sample algorithm for applying header protection. Removing
+protection only differs in the order in which the packet number length
+(pn_length) is determined.
+mask = header_protection(hp_key, sample)
+pn_length = (packet[0] & 0x03) + 1
+if packet[0] & 0x80 == 0x80:
+   # Long header: 4 bits masked
+   packet[0] ^= mask[0] & 0x0f
+   # Short header: 5 bits masked
+   packet[0] ^= mask[0] & 0x1f

We can't encrypt this value.

> +protection only differs in the order in which the packet number length
+(pn_length) is determined.
+mask = header_protection(hp_key, sample)
+pn_length = (packet[0] & 0x03) + 1
+if packet[0] & 0x80 == 0x80:
+   # Long header: 4 bits masked
+   packet[0] ^= mask[0] & 0x0f
+   # Short header: 5 bits masked
+   packet[0] ^= mask[0] & 0x1f
+# pn_offset is the start of the Packet Number field.
+packet[pn_offset:pn_offset+pn_length] ^= mask[1:1+pn_length]

We don't explain what `^` means either.

> +Before a TLS ciphersuite can be used with QUIC, a header protection algorithm
+MUST be specified for the AEAD used with that ciphersuite.  This document
+defines algorithms for AEAD_AES_128_GCM, AEAD_AES_128_CCM, AEAD_AES_256_GCM,
+AEAD_AES_256_CCM (all AES AEADs are defined in {{!AEAD=RFC5116}}), and
+### Header Protection Sample {#hp-sample}
+The header protection algorithm uses both the header protection key and a sample
+of the ciphertext from the packet Payload field.
+The same number of bytes are always sampled, but an allowance needs to be made
+for the endpoint removing protection, which will not know the length of the
+Packet Number field.  In sampling the packet ciphertext, the Packet Number field
+is assumed to be 4 bytes long (its maximum possible encoded length), unless

Please take this discussion to an issue.  This will be lost here.

> @@ -3271,15 +3257,35 @@ Header Form:
 : The most significant bit (0x80) of byte 0 (the first byte) is set to 1 for
   long headers.
-Long Packet Type:
+Fixed Bit:
+: The next bit (0x40) of byte 0 is set to 1.  Packets containing a zero value
+  for this bit are not valid packets in this version.

Not quite the same way.  This can be detected using public information, so you don't need to run a constant-time decryption on that packet.

-: The fourth bit (0x10) of byte 0 is set to 1.
+: The next two bits (those with a mask of 0x18) of byte 0 are reserved.  These
+  bits are protected using header protection (see Section 5.4 of
+  {{QUIC-TLS}}).  The value included prior to protection MUST be set to 0.  An
+  endpoint MUST treat receipt of a packet that has a non-zero value for these
+  bits after removing protection as a connection error of type

Right, and this is covered in the -tls doc:

> @@ -3677,7 +3666,7 @@ wishes to perform a stateless retry (see {{validate-handshake}}).
  0                   1                   2                   3
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
-|1|    0x7e     |
+|1|1| 3 |ODCIL(4|

Saving a byte is neither here nor there, but the two blocks of four unused bits was a problem.  I agree, it's odd :)

-Third Bit:
+: The next bit (0x40) of byte 0 is set to 1.  Packets containing a zero value

@DavidSchinazi, we're not doing this for you, but I'm glad you're happy.

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