Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Inconsistency in STOP_SENDING requirements relative to resetting streams in general (#2884)

mjoras <> Wed, 10 July 2019 16:40 UTC

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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Inconsistency in STOP_SENDING requirements relative to resetting streams in general (#2884)
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I am suggesting more than an editorial change, actually. I'm disputing that it makes sense for the transport to be the one initiating the RESET_STREAM as opposed to the STOP_SENDING merely being informative to the application protocol, i.e. it should be the application protocol's responsibility to respond to the STOP_SENDING by resetting the stream.

>From an implementation standpoint, one would obviously want feedback on receiving a STOP_SENDING frame. This makes it so the implementation has to make a choice when receiving the STOP_SENDING. Is it supposed to reset the stream before or after delivering this information to the application protocol? This has consequences as resetting the stream before informing the application obviously effects the stream state.

Is there any disadvantage to instead only requiring that the transport inform the application protocol of the receipt of the STOP_SENDING, and then the application protocol is left to decide when to actually reset the relevant stream?

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