Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Pull some H2 content into the introduction (#2683)

MikkelFJ <> Sat, 11 May 2019 06:18 UTC

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From: MikkelFJ <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Pull some H2 content into the introduction (#2683)
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mikkelfj commented on this pull request.

> +  endpoint is discovered and a connection is established.
+- Stream Mapping and Usage ({{stream-mapping}}) describes the way QUIC streams
+  are used.
+- HTTP Framing Layer ({{http-framing-layer}}) describes the frames used on
+  most streams.
+- HTTP Request Lifecycle ({{http-request-lifecycle}}) describes how HTTP
+  semantics are expressed using frames.
+- Connection Closure ({{connection-closure}}) describes how connections are
+  terminated, either gracefully or abruptly.
+- Extensions to HTTP/3 ({{extensions}}) describes how new capabilities can be
+  added in future documents.
+- Error Handling ({{errors}}) describes how error conditions are handled and
+  expressed, either on a particular stream or for the connection as a whole.
+Readers familiar with HTTP/2 will find a more detailed comparison with that
+protocol in {{h2-considerations}}.

Well, understand the text, but it reads as if was written immediately after the first paragraph and then a lot of text was thrown in, end then "that protocol" stands dangling becuse it might mean either HTTP/1.1 or QUIC until you realize it cannot mean QUIC since QUIC didn't exist when HTTP/2 was written. So I merely suggest typing out HTTP/1.1 explicitly.

Also, my feedback have come across a bit grumpy, that was not the intention. I really do appreciate the extra clarifying text on this topic.

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