Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Make transport parameter ID and length varint (#3294)

Martin Thomson <> Mon, 16 December 2019 01:03 UTC

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From: Martin Thomson <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Make transport parameter ID and length varint (#3294)
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The question here is to what extent we consider the TP encoding to be part of the QUIC stack as opposed to the TLS stack.  One school treats the transport parameters as an opaque carrier of bits, leaning on the abstract interface we have defined between transport and TLS.  The other says that implementation strategy might differ and the similarities with TLS can be exploited in some implementations.

The parallel drawn to the KDF function TLS provides is clearer - at least in my mind - about this distinction.  TLS provides a KDF in the form `KDF(secret, label, output_length)` that QUIC uses.  We did at various points in the process consider modifications to that KDF, but the current form is very clear about leaving the KDF function unmodified.

I think are more pertinent questions here is the relative cost change against the improvements that might be gained.  The advantage of retaining the current form is that it can be more tightly integrated into a TLS stack.  The advocates for change see the potential for removing a single instance of bespoke encoding from the QUIC stack, plus a modest reduction in handshake size.

We've heard that at least one implementation would find changes to be disruptive.  I might separately observe that disruption to an existing implementation is not a great motivation for opposing a change on its own, because we all knew the risks when we decided to build to a draft specification.

If we were to make arguments from some principled basis, I would say that the bag of bits view holds: QUIC is responsible for constructing and consuming transport parameters as an opaque blob.  But that's not really a useful basis for making a decision when there are more substantive matters at stake.

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