Re: Hidden connection spawning

Mirja Kühlewind <> Thu, 26 July 2018 16:53 UTC

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Subject: Re: Hidden connection spawning
From: Mirja Kühlewind <>
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Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2018 11:53:38 -0500
Cc: QUIC WG <>, Martin Thomson <>
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Hi Mikkel,

a little amount of discussion on this also happened in taps. At least I have a draft on separating the handshake from the actual data encryption (draft-kuehlewind-taps-crypto-sep) which was not yet largely discussed but probably will come up again. 

In case of quic I'm mainly wondering how hard it would be to resume a TLS1.3 session with keys that have been negotiated with a different underlying transport protocol (use 0-RTT quic based on keys from a TCP/TLS1.3 connection or the other way around)…? 

But maybe the taps list is a better place to have this discussion…


> Am 26.07.2018 um 04:35 schrieb Martin Thomson <>:
> Sounds like work for an extension to me.
> On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 4:32 PM Mikkel Fahnøe Jørgensen
> <> wrote:
>> I came to think about a use case where you want to spawn a new connection from an existing connection because the new connection runs a different protocol. For example a http connection where you  want to run a separate live conference call, or to control tunnels from http control connection.
>> You have roughly three options:
>> 1. extend the current protocol with the new feature set in extension frames or similar
>> 2. develop or use a purposes specific QUIC protol using 0-RTT for spawning the connection
>> 3. negotiate the new connection handshake within the current handshake.
>> The first solution is not complex, limited, and not modular.
>> The second solution can be used to get information about the connection, and for example block connections that appear to be doing that.
>> The third solution allows for an invisible connection spawn, but requires addition handshake logic which is already complex as it is.
>> I suggesting solution 3 as possible option, although I am not convinced that this is worthwhile, at least in V1.
>> This was in part inspired by recent discussion on tunneling, and in part by the following issue where partial reliability is being discussed and possibly shoe-horned into an extension. I am not following that issue closely though - it is just an example.
>> Mikkel