2 Points of First Implementation Draft we might clarify
Patrick McManus <pmcmanus@mozilla.com> Wed, 28 June 2017 20:51 UTC
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Subject: 2 Points of First Implementation Draft we might clarify
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Hi All - First, its really amazing to see nascent quic implementations emerging from primordial soup over the last couple of weeks. I can count at least 5 that have been mentioned on email, chat, or twitter trying to do real interop. Its all a giant morass of work in progress of course - but this is exciting and I take it as a very good sign. A couple things have come up 1] The implementation milestone wiki should probably specific a draft version of TLS 1.3. Both -18 and -20 have been in common use (depending on what TLS library you are using) and this leads to a common interop failure. Presumably this isn't a problem we will have with the second milestone when the TLS WG will have settled on a final revision. I would argue for -20 simply because its a later marker on the march of forward progress. 2] the text on connection_close doesn't indicate which peer does the close, or really when. If we want to do un-attended endpoint testing it might be a useful thing to profile. e.g. "the server sends connection close on a timer 2 seconds after the handshake is complete".. or something. -Patrick
- 2 Points of First Implementation Draft we might c… Patrick McManus
- Re: 2 Points of First Implementation Draft we mig… Ian Swett
- Re: 2 Points of First Implementation Draft we mig… Ian Swett
- Re: 2 Points of First Implementation Draft we mig… Martin Thomson
- Re: 2 Points of First Implementation Draft we mig… Patrick McManus
- Re: 2 Points of First Implementation Draft we mig… Eric Rescorla
- Re: 2 Points of First Implementation Draft we mig… Nick Harper
- Re: 2 Points of First Implementation Draft we mig… Steven Valdez
- Re: 2 Points of First Implementation Draft we mig… Jana Iyengar
- RE: 2 Points of First Implementation Draft we mig… Salz, Rich
- Re: 2 Points of First Implementation Draft we mig… Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
- Re: 2 Points of First Implementation Draft we mig… Eric Rescorla
- RE: 2 Points of First Implementation Draft we mig… Salz, Rich
- Re: 2 Points of First Implementation Draft we mig… Kazuho Oku