RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU
Lucas Pardue <> Thu, 28 June 2018 09:25 UTC
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From: Lucas Pardue <>
To: "Lubashev, Igor" <>, Martin Duke <>, IETF QUIC WG <>
CC: Mikkel Fahnøe Jørgensen <>
Subject: RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU
Thread-Topic: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU
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Igor Lubashev wrote: >I think I see what you are talking about. > >At least the way it is specced in H2 and HTTP/QUIC, CONNECT proxies forward >data streams, not packets. Hence, MTU concept on a tunnel-stream is >meaningless. The text says it explicitly: "Note that the size and number of TCP >segments is not guaranteed to map predictably to the size and number of >HTTP DATA or QUIC STREAM frames." From the client's perspective there is >only one PMTU that is relevant -- the one to the proxy. The proxy will keep >tracks of the PMTUs to the CONNECT endpoints itself and will generate TCP >segments accordingly. Right, that's how I was seeing it. >Trying to design a CONNECT-like method to proxy an entire QUIC connection >over a single QUIC stream would create HOLB for QUIC packets to and from >the proxy. Some sort of a partially reliable QUIC stream could help here. Both you and Mikkel have identified HOL as something that needs more thought. Thanks. Mikkel's view is a little more extreme, to paraphrase "HOL is enough to make QUIC not QUIC". I've taken the view that it may be desirable to tunnel QUIC over TLS/TCP too (perhaps using HTTP/2 frames), so I view HOL avoidance as an optimisation rather than a requirement. Partial reliability (of streams, or of some new frame type) could help solve that puzzle. Now I think about it, a complimentary mitigation could be to reserve a set of tunnel-streams to provide some basic multiplexing. However, the complexity of that might not be worth it. >This proxying scheme would require an extension to CONNECT to open a >UDP/IP tunnel instead of a TCP/IP tunnel. That extension would also mandate >that HTTP/QUIC DATA frame corresponds to a UDP frame. I suspect that it >would be a very good idea for such a proxy to add a new frame for providing >ICMP-like explicit PMTU feedback to the sender (why leave the sender >guessing and probing, if the PMTU is already known to the proxy?). This is good feedback. Thanks! Kind regards Lucas
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lucas Pardue
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Mikkel Fahnøe Jørgensen
- Re: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Gorry (erg)
- Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lubashev, Igor
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lubashev, Igor
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lucas Pardue
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lucas Pardue
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lucas Pardue
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lucas Pardue
- Re: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Eggert, Lars
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lubashev, Igor
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Mikkel Fahnøe Jørgensen
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Mikkel Fahnøe Jørgensen
- Re: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Gorry (erg)
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lubashev, Igor
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lubashev, Igor
- Re: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU joel jaeggli
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lubashev, Igor
- Re: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Magnus Westerlund
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lubashev, Igor
- Re: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Magnus Westerlund