[radext] Help with diameter considerations for draft-hartman-radext-bigger-packets

Sam Hartman <hartmans@painless-security.com> Wed, 12 February 2014 20:52 UTC

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Subject: [radext] Help with diameter considerations for draft-hartman-radext-bigger-packets
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Hi folks.  I could use some help with the diameter considerations
section for draft-hartman-radext-bigger-packets.

First, what value should  a proxy forwarding from a diameter client to a
radius server include for the maximum-response-length attribute?

When forwarding from radius towards a diameter server, what should
happen with regard to the maximum-response-length attribute:

* Strip it as diameter doesn't expect it

* Keep it if present.  Perhaps diameter will trim down its response

* Insert it  if the transport in the radius direction is UDP--after all,
  might as well let diameter know what's going on.

Another thing to consider here is interactions with
radius-diameter-radius situations.
