[radext] radius-fragmentation: New flag T field for the Long Extended Type

<lionel.morand@orange.com> Tue, 04 March 2014 15:22 UTC

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From: lionel.morand@orange.com
To: Alan DeKok <aland@deployingradius.com>, Alejandro Perez Mendez <alex@um.es>
Thread-Topic: [radext] radius-fragmentation: New flag T field for the Long Extended Type
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 15:22:31 +0000
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Subject: [radext] radius-fragmentation: New flag T field for the Long Extended Type
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I repeat my comment raised during the meeting. 

RFC6929 (Std) allocates the first bit after the Extended-Type field to the (M)ore and the rest (7-bit) is put as reserved.
But there is nothing about how to allocate the remaining reserved bits.

This draft allocates the second bit to (T)runcation.

The question is simple: how do we ensure that another draft will not allocate the same 2nd bit to another feature? It would mean that the same Long-extended-type attribute would have two possible interpretations/process...

Are we only relying on living memories? :)
Maybe we don't care because it is an experimental document... or maybe this doc will update the RFC6929 to indicate that the 2nd bit is used for "T".

It is not an issue with the current draft. Just an administrative issue.




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