Re: [radext] TLS-PSK and RADIUS/(D)TLS - MTI trust models
Margaret Cullen <> Sun, 13 August 2023 17:38 UTC
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From: Margaret Cullen <>
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Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2023 13:38:02 -0400
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Cc: Josh Howlett <>, Jan-Frederik Rieckers <>,
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To: Alan DeKok <>
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Subject: Re: [radext] TLS-PSK and RADIUS/(D)TLS - MTI trust models
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> That is a tried and true RADIUS tradition. "I know the RFCs say to do X, but I'll just do something else instead." That tradition extends well beyond RADIUS, unfortunately. > DTLS is a lot more difficult. I blame some of that on OpenSSL weirdness. Their DTLS implementation has best been described as "alpha" for a long time. This is the reason for my concern with mandating that servers implement DTLS. I am mostly okay with mandating that servers implement TLS-PSK, because it is not a major addition and it makes for a more complete, more useful RADIS/TLS server. I think RADIUS/DTLS is an awful lot to expect, though — especially because I don’t see any evidence that RADIUS/DTLS will ever be widely implemented or used. Do you? Many protocols that run over TLS don’t have a DTLS equivalent defined, at all. Is there some important advantage that RADIUS/DTLS offers that RADIUS/TLS does not? Is that advantage sufficient to warrant mandating both in every server implementation? > There's good reason for that, of course. But I think it's best to document the system we need, rather than the system we have. I absolutely agree with this when it comes to documenting good protocol behavior, ways to avoid known issues, etc. I don’t think it extends to mandating the implementation of an entirely separate protocol. > The alternative is to never fix RADIUS, or to give bad implementations a free pass. Is there a reason that you think a RADIUS/TLS-only server would be a bad implementation, and that it would become a good implementation if it also implemented RADIUS/DTLS? Margaret
- [radext] TLS-PSK and RADIUS/(D)TLS - MTI trust mo… Jan-Frederik Rieckers
- Re: [radext] TLS-PSK and RADIUS/(D)TLS - MTI trus… Alan DeKok
- Re: [radext] TLS-PSK and RADIUS/(D)TLS - MTI trus… Margaret Cullen
- Re: [radext] TLS-PSK and RADIUS/(D)TLS - MTI trus… josh.howlett
- Re: [radext] TLS-PSK and RADIUS/(D)TLS - MTI trus… Margaret Cullen
- Re: [radext] TLS-PSK and RADIUS/(D)TLS - MTI trus… Alan DeKok
- Re: [radext] TLS-PSK and RADIUS/(D)TLS - MTI trus… Alan DeKok
- Re: [radext] TLS-PSK and RADIUS/(D)TLS - MTI trus… Alexander Clouter
- Re: [radext] TLS-PSK and RADIUS/(D)TLS - MTI trus… Margaret Cullen
- Re: [radext] TLS-PSK and RADIUS/(D)TLS - MTI trus… Jan-Frederik Rieckers
- Re: [radext] TLS-PSK and RADIUS/(D)TLS - MTI trus… Stefan Paetow