Re: [radext] AD review of draft-ietf-radext-ieee802ext-09
Benoit Claise <> Tue, 21 January 2014 22:44 UTC
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Dear authors, > Dear all, > > Glad that this document finally makes progress. > > >From the writeup ( I see: > > (6) Describe any specific concerns or issues that the Document Shepherd > has with this document that the Responsible Area Director and/or the > IESG should be aware of? For example, perhaps he or she is uncomfortable > with certain parts of the document, or has concerns whether there really > is a need for it. In any event, if the WG has discussed those issues and > has indicated that it still wishes to advance the document, detail those > concerns here. > > The document (informatively) references to RFC4005 on its Diameter > considerations. The RFC4005 will soon be obsoleted by RFC4005bis. > The RFC4005bis also deprecates the RADIUS-Diameter automated > translation, which is discussed in detail in Section 4 Diameter Considerations. > > The shepherd would recommend removing entire Section 4, since > RADIUS-Diameter considerations are not really endorsed anymore. > > Furthermore, Section 4 uses Diameter AVP Flag rules as defined in RFC3588, > which has already been obsoleted by RFC6733 and there the AVP Flag rules > are less due to e.g. deprecation of Diameter in-band security. > > > > I would actually prefer to keep the section 4, because the AVPs are > allocated in the range 1-255. So it seems that you went the easier way, i.e. removing the entire section 4... Progressing the document now. Regards, Benoit > However, RFC 4005bis must be mentioned as well. > This specific point is also discussed in > draft-ietf-dime-app-design-guide-21 > Guidelines for implementing a RADIUS-Diameter translation agent > were put into the Diameter NASREQ Application RFC 4005. > However, it was acknowledged that such translation mechanism was not > so obvious and deeper protocol analysis was required to ensure > efficient interworking between RADIUS and Diameter. Moreover, the > interworking requirements depend on the functionalities provided by > the Diameter application under specification, and a case-by-case > analysis is required. > As a consequence, all the material related to RADIUS-to-Diameter translation has been > removed from the new version of the Diameter NASREQ application specification > [RFC4005bis], which deprecates RFC4005 > Feel free to synchronize with Lionel Morand, the > draft-ietf-dime-app-design-guide-21 editor, who is currently working > on a revised text > > Regarding this point below, I agree with Jouni, can you please make > the change to be in line with the RFC 6733 format (for example, RFC > 6733 doesn't have encryption) > Furthermore, Section 4 uses Diameter AVP Flag rules as defined in RFC3588, > which has already been obsoleted by RFC6733 and there the AVP Flag rules > are less due to e.g. deprecation of Diameter in-band security. > > EDITORIAL > The guidelines in RFC 3580 are still valid, right? > > OLD: > "IEEE 802.1X Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) > Usage Guidelines" [RFC3580] provided guidelines for the use of the > Remote Authentication Dialin User Service (RADIUS) within networks > utilizing IEEE 802 local area networks. > NEW: > "IEEE 802.1X Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) > Usage Guidelines" [RFC3580]_provides_guidelines for the use of the > Remote Authentication Dialin User Service (RADIUS) within networks > utilizing IEEE 802 local area networks. > > Regards, Benoit > > > _______________________________________________ > radext mailing list > >
- [radext] AD review of draft-ietf-radext-ieee802ex… Benoit Claise
- Re: [radext] AD review of draft-ietf-radext-ieee8… Benoit Claise