Re: [Rats] EAT implementation (hackathon report)

Michael Richardson <> Thu, 12 November 2020 21:58 UTC

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Amazing Thomas!

Thomas Fossati <> wrote:
    > Here are a few random things we noticed in the process and that we
    > wanted to share with the EAT editors as well as the wider group:

    > 1. It's not clear what is the story around the extensibility of single
    > claims?  E.g., if I wanted to expand the semantics of "Debug Disable"
    > or "Security Level" with my own local semantics, how would I do that?
    > This question popped when discussing whether the decoder should accept
    > values not currently listed and make them available to the user?

At the least, it should be tolerant of them.
It should make them available, I think.

    > 5. The CBOR interoperability section should have normative language
    > where needed and double check that there are no copy-pasted
    > requirements from other documents without an explicit ref -- e.g., the
    > stray "Duplicate map keys are not allowed." should have a ref to 7049.


    > 6. Some typographic thoughts about Debug Disable claim.  The "disable"
    > in "Debug disable" is redundant; it'd be better renaming it as just
    > "Debug" or "Debug status". A bit more consistent wording wouldn’t hurt
    > too. e.g.:

That makes sense.

    > I think that's it; Sergei might have something more.

    > I can make Issues and PRs for all of the above if needed.

Do you have examples you might want to put into to the document?

Michael Richardson <>   . o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting )
           Sandelman Software Works Inc, Ottawa and Worldwide