[Rats] using symmetric keys in an Endorsement/Verifier flow
Michael Richardson <mcr@sandelman.ca> Fri, 05 February 2021 21:39 UTC
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Subject: [Rats] using symmetric keys in an Endorsement/Verifier flow
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In https://github.com/ietf-rats-wg/architecture/issues/162 it was argued that we needed to be clear that: "Endorsements should have confidentiality protection when carrying symmetric verification keys. " but, many of the Architecture Design Team didn't feel that the architecture was intended to provide any kind of specification on Endorsements. Within the dataflow diagram: https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-rats-architecture-09.html#dataflow (attached below, for those who use a fixed-width font) That only the "Evidence" and "Attestation Results", which are between solid-lined entities was really in scope. That the rest was for future documents. We felt that this requirement went into the Design Requirements which the IETF usually tries to stay out of, sticking to Functional Requirements. Further, we felt that the Functional Requirements in the RATS Architecture should not even cover Endorsements. At least, not in this edition of the document. The recommendation is that those who need to do Endorsements with symmetric verifification keys should write another document in which this topic would get adequately dealt with. ************ ************* ************ ***************** * Endorser * * Reference * * Verifier * * Relying Party * ************ * Value * * Owner * * Owner * | * Provider * ************ ***************** | ************* | | | | | | |Endorsements |Reference |Appraisal |Appraisal | |Values |Policy |Policy for | | |for |Attestation .-----------. | |Evidence |Results | | | | | | | | v v v | .---------------------------. | .----->| Verifier |------. | | '---------------------------' | | | | | | Attestation| | | Results | | | Evidence | | | | | | v v .----------. .---------------. | Attester | | Relying Party | '----------' '---------------'
- [Rats] how does the Verifier work Michael Richardson
- [Rats] using symmetric keys in an Endorsement/Ver… Michael Richardson
- Re: [Rats] how does the Verifier work Henk Birkholz
- Re: [Rats] using symmetric keys in an Endorsement… Smith, Ned
- Re: [Rats] using symmetric keys in an Endorsement… Laurence Lundblade
- Re: [Rats] how does the Verifier work Simon Frost
- Re: [Rats] using symmetric keys in an Endorsement… Russ Housley