[Rats] Last Call: <draft-ietf-rats-eat-27.txt> (The Entity Attestation Token (EAT)) to Proposed Standard

The IESG <iesg-secretary@ietf.org> Tue, 28 May 2024 18:22 UTC

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The IESG has received a request from the Remote ATtestation ProcedureS WG
(rats) to consider the following document: - 'The Entity Attestation Token
  <draft-ietf-rats-eat-27.txt> as Proposed Standard

The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits final
comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the
last-call@ietf.org mailing lists by 2024-06-11. Exceptionally, comments may
be sent to iesg@ietf.org instead. In either case, please retain the beginning
of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.


   An Entity Attestation Token (EAT) provides an attested claims set
   that describes state and characteristics of an entity, a device like
   a smartphone, IoT device, network equipment or such.  This claims set
   is used by a relying party, server or service to determine the type
   and degree of trust placed in the entity.

   An EAT is either a CBOR Web Token (CWT) or JSON Web Token (JWT) with
   attestation-oriented claims.

The file can be obtained via

No IPR declarations have been submitted directly on this I-D.

The document contains these normative downward references.
See RFC 3967 for additional information: 
    rfc9334: Remote ATtestation procedureS (RATS) Architecture (Informational - Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF))