[Rats] Re: Freshness with Nonces

Henk Birkholz <henk.birkholz@ietf.contact> Mon, 24 June 2024 17:04 UTC

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I still am puzzled why everybody is fixating on nonce use.

Let's assume that makes sense. Then I think Hannes is correct, to cover 
every usage scenario for the csr-attestion spec - especially in cases 
where the nonce is not generated by one of the interacting RATS roles - 
an additional nonce provider role is required as well as three 
protocol-(flavor)s that cover the interaction models illustrated 

As soon as the epoch marker I-D is adopted (I am not sure what the 
blocker is there, tbh), it will be relatively simple to specify a 
coap/cbor based protocol suite for the three interaction models or, for 
example, to augment draft-demarco-nonce-endpoint to make it an epoch 
marker endpoint, too.

If you really think a nonce is the hammer for all your nails.

Viele Grüße,


On 24.06.24 17:44, Carl Wallace wrote:
> Inline…
> *From: *Hannes Tschofenig <Hannes.Tschofenig@gmx.net>
> *Date: *Monday, June 24, 2024 at 2:52 AM
> *To: *Carl Wallace <carl@redhoundsoftware.com>
> *Cc: *"Tschofenig, Hannes" 
> <hannes.tschofenig=40siemens.com@dmarc.ietf.org>, "spasm@ietf.org" 
> <spasm@ietf.org>, rats <rats@ietf.org>
> *Subject: *Aw: [Rats] Re: Freshness with Nonces
> Hi Carl,
> what you are saying is that you have some proprietary protocol that 
> allows the attester to obtain the nonce. I am arguring that we need to 
> standardize the details for the integration of the CSR attestation into 
> CMP, EST & co if we care about interoperability.
> [CW] This is not at all what I am saying. You wrote below that ‘we must 
> request the nonce’. I noted that in some contexts the nonce is provided 
> to the attester and gave a concrete example instead of an abstract one. 
> Of course, someone must still request and/or generate the nonce in my 
> example (though how that occurs is not particularly relevant to the 
> attester). In your case, what protocol or mechanism is used when ‘we 
> must request the nonce’? I would tend to view nonce distribution 
> mechanisms are being outside the scope for the CSR attestation 
> extension/attribute draft but if you are saying this draft is going to 
> address nonce handling in each protocol but has not done so yet, then OK.
> Ciao
> Hannes
> *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2024 um 11:57 Uhr
> *Von:* "Carl Wallace" <carl@redhoundsoftware.com>
> *An:* "Tschofenig, Hannes" 
> <hannes.tschofenig=40siemens.com@dmarc.ietf.org>, "spasm@ietf.org" 
> <spasm@ietf.org>, "rats" <rats@ietf.org>
> *Betreff:* [Rats] Re: Freshness with Nonces
> Inline…
> *From: *"Tschofenig, Hannes" 
> <hannes.tschofenig=40siemens.com@dmarc.ietf.org>
> *Date: *Monday, June 17, 2024 at 8:33 AM
> *To: *"spasm@ietf.org" <spasm@ietf.org>, rats <rats@ietf.org>
> *Subject: *[Rats] Freshness with Nonces
> Hi all,
> In the RATS architecture the Evidence is processed by the Verifier. For 
> a given Verifier to check for replays timestamps, nonces, and epochs 
> have been introduced. I only talk about nonces here.
> The nature of nonces is that they are randomly selected by the party 
> that checks against replays, the verifier in our case. Section 10.2 of 
> RFC 9334 talks about nonce-based freshness.
> No problem so far. However, when we integrate CSR attestation (which 
> carries the evidence) into a certificate management protocol like EST or 
> CMP we must request the nonce in advance before the attester is able to 
> include the nonce in the signed evidence.
> [CW] I don’t think this “we must request the nonce” is correct, at least 
> where “we” includes the attester. In some cases, the attester is acting 
> upon instructions provided to it. Those instructions may include a 
> nonce. An example of this arrangement is a SCEP payload in the iOS OTA 
> protocol. How the MDM (or whatever prepared the instructions) obtained 
> the nonce is irrelevant to the attester and, in my experience, need not 
> be signaled in the subsequent request.
> This raises questions about how the relying party (in the background 
> check model) obtains that nonce without conveying any extra information 
> from the attester to the relying party about which verifier to select.
> What information should be used by the attester and subsequently by the 
> relying party to determine the verifier before transmitting the evidence?
> [CW] Your question raises questions about how the attester knows where 
> to obtain that nonce without having been provided any extra information.
> Ideally, the RATS architecture should have provided an answer to this 
> question but unfortunately it does not.
> [CW] I think this discussion is hinting at a desire for some attestation 
> verification protocol. It may be that sticking an extensible field where 
> the hint is now is the thing to do, to facilitate the relatively 
> abstract current hint mechanism or a future, more concrete, link to a 
> verification service.
> Ciao
> Hannes
> PS: We (Hendrik and I) thought that the hint introduced in the CSR 
> attestation would have been a good candidate for this determination. In 
> our mental model the hint would be something like an FQDN because in the 
> passport model of the RATS architecture the attester also needs to have 
> the FQDN (or even a URL) of the verifier to get the communication working.
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