[Raw] Call for Agenda for RAW at IETF 116
Rick Taylor <rick@tropicalstormsoftware.com> Fri, 10 February 2023 19:50 UTC
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From: Rick Taylor <rick@tropicalstormsoftware.com>
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Thread-Topic: Call for Agenda for RAW at IETF 116
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Hi All, We have a slot booked to meet at IETF 116 in Yokohama, and therefore we would like to hear from you about progress on RAW documents and other subjects you consider of interest to the working group. As with all recent IETF meetings, remote presentation is welcome if you can't make it in person.. Please reply to this email, or to raw-chairs@ietf.org<mailto:raw-chairs@ietf.org> and let us know if you would like some time in the meeting agenda. Cheers, Rick & Eve
- [Raw] Call for Agenda for RAW at IETF 116 Rick Taylor