[regext] Significant change to sorting-and-paging

Mario Loffredo <mario.loffredo@iit.cnr.it> Mon, 10 February 2020 15:54 UTC

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Hi Jim and Antoin,

this mail is for asking your opinion about a significant change on sorting-and-paging draft.

According to the last version, "totalCount" is a member of the "paging_metadata" object. However, the counting capability might be
implemented by an RDAP server without implementing pagination as well.

Such field was originally put inside "paging_metadata" because, in many REST API implementations, it pertains the pagination information.
In addition, by doing so, only two response extensions would have been defined.

For the sake of clarity, the authors think that it would be better to put "totalCount" outside "paging_metadata". Basically, this would mean to define a new
rdapConformance tag (e.g. "count_level_0") and rename the field accordingly (e.g. simply "count" or "count_all").

In authors' opinion, it might also be appropiate to rename the draft to "counting-sorting-and-paging".
Even if the authors don't expect any relevant feedback since the draft content would remain substantially the same, some time would be needed for discussion before starting a last call.

Does it sound reasonable for you?

Many thanks in advance,


Dr. Mario Loffredo
Systems and Technological Development Unit
Institute of Informatics and Telematics (IIT)
National Research Council (CNR)
via G. Moruzzi 1, I-56124 PISA, Italy
Phone: +39.0503153497
Mobile: +39.3462122240
Web: http://www.iit.cnr.it/mario.loffredo