Re: [regext] Alexey Melnikov's Discuss on draft-ietf-regext-login-security-07: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)

Alexey Melnikov <> Fri, 24 January 2020 09:10 UTC

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From: Alexey Melnikov <>
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Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2020 09:10:09 +0000
Cc: The IESG <>, "" <>, Joseph Yee <>, "" <>, "" <>
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To: "Gould, James" <>
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Subject: Re: [regext] Alexey Melnikov's Discuss on draft-ietf-regext-login-security-07: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)
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Hi James,
Just replying to 1 point below:

> On 23 Jan 2020, at 21:29, Gould, James <> wrote:
>    2) In the same section:
>       <loginSec:pw>:  OPTIONAL plain text password that is case sensitive,
>           has a minimum length of 6 characters, and has a maximum length
>           that is up to server policy.  All leading and trailing whitespace
>           is removed, and all internal contiguous whitespace that includes
>           #x9 (tab), #xA (linefeed), #xD (carriage return), and #x20
>           (space) is replaced with a single #x20 (space).  This element
>           MUST only be used if the [RFC5730] <pw> element is set to the
>           "[LOGIN-SECURITY]" value.
>    What is the definition of "whitespace"? Does this only include characters
>    listed above or does it also include other Unicode characters (e.g. Unicode
>    whitespace property)? If the former, then instead of using "whitespace that
>    includes ..." use something like "whitespace is defined as one of ..."
> JG - The definition of "whitespace" is based on the definition for XML schema whiteSpace ( which does not include non-ASCII whitespace.  Validating XML parsers will apply the XML schema whitespace rules defined for the XML Schema "token" type ( which is explicitly included in the description of the <loginSec:pw> element based on feedback from the working group.  I don't recommend use of non-ASCII characters for passwords, but I don't believe the extension should disallow it.  

Please clarify this in the document. Probably the easiest way is to add definition of whitespace to the terminology section.

BTW, I believe Precis framework will canonicalize all Unicode whitespaces (around 33 different characters) to ASCII space.

Best Regards,