[regext] Re: I-D Action: draft-ietf-regext-epp-eai-21.txt

Arnt Gulbrandsen <arnt@gulbrandsen.priv.no> Tue, 03 September 2024 10:15 UTC

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From: Arnt Gulbrandsen <arnt@gulbrandsen.priv.no>
To: John C Klensin <klensin@jck.com>
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 12:15:03 +0200
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I want to digress on one point here.

John C Klensin writes:
> (1) As you know, I personally favor the idea that, if non-ASCII email
> addresses are to be used in a global context, all-ASCII alternatives
> should be available.

This sounds so plausible, but it hinges on that global context.

There's immense amounts of email that's not in any sort of global context. 
My mail is, of course, but one of my important organizations is my 
children's school. The place basically works on email. The email traffic is 
immense, and local. Not just local to the country, it's local to people who 
live in or around the city. Parents, employees, suppliers, consultants, the 
ministry of education are all reachable with a local transport ticket.

I spoke to a company that serves primary schools and kindergartens in 
Egypt. Their customers aren't good at latin letters.

I'm wary of requirements that assume that people can spell latin letters 
reliably. We globals can.
