Re: [Resolverless-dns] Paper on Resolver-less DNS

Joe Abley <> Thu, 29 August 2019 22:15 UTC

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Subject: Re: [Resolverless-dns] Paper on Resolver-less DNS
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Hi Erik,

On Aug 29, 2019, at 17:28, Erik Sy <> wrote:

> On 8/29/19 17:34, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
>> breaks geo load-balancing,
> No, there are no new issues with geo load-balancing compared to using a
> public DNS resolver.

I am usually pretty wary of absolute statements, especially those that declare the absence of something. I haven't seen a comparative security assessment of both (and it surely depends on precisely what model of resolverless DNS you mean), though, so I will not take a side in the entertaining debate that seems likely to result from that.

However, I do think it's also worth pointing out that geo load-balancing using the DNS today is already a terrible mess and it will be a joyous day when it can be replaced by something less bad.

(soapbox noises)

The general process by which a DNS server responds to a query for a (name, class, type) tuple that is configured with geo-specific answers is to process a set of rules at query time, consulting general-purpose databases maintained at the DNS edge that map an address to something like a (provider, city) pair, and then doing additional database lookups to determine the response that should be sent to the client for the particular service whose name (one of whose names) the client is looking up.

The complexity of the code at the DNS edge is significant, and significant failures have been observed. In an enterprise DNS provider, the code that does this stuff is often not available for public review, since it constitutes secret sauce that tastes of competitive advantage. This stuff is really hard to do without failure and introducing customer-enraging latency; it's not unreasonable that people try to protect their investment.

Centralised resolvers need to make use of the EDNS0 client-subnet option in order to allow the user's real location to be exposed to the server that is geo-answering. The EDNS0 client-subnet option has unintended consequences (see David Dagon's recent descriptions).

The database that maps addresses to (provider, city) pairs is either frequently inaccurate (watch *NOG lists for pleas for help from operators whose customers are being served from nodes far away) or is accurate because it is maintained by mining other data sources. If you have a really broad anycast network you might be able to imagine doing this based on routing and answering node location; for everybody else those data sources are real user monitoring scripts running in browsers on not-obviously-related web sites, all performing performance measurements and centralising the results without the users of those stooge web sites necessarily being aware, or at least being given the option to opt-in.

Complicated web services, perhaps especially those with complex UX, use all of these techniques together with a litany of short-lived, non-repeated DNS names intended to customise and optimise the performance for the end-user. The end result in some networks has been the observation that these short-lived names consitute such a high proportion of cached data (e.g. in campus resolvers) that "we don't have the RAM to handle another Facebook".

Some big access providers configure resolvers with hundreds of exit addresses so that they will source queries for particular names towards enterprise DNS servers from dedicated sources, as a workaround for when the geo-ip on the server is known to fail. This might seem like a ridiculous optimisation until you appreciate that your entire network's capacity planning might depend on decisions being made by CDNs and enterprise DNS providers, and anything you can do to avoid mistakes in those third-party systems is another week you get to keep your customers.

In short, the status quo is extremely slippery, architecturally messy, frequently non-deterministic and high-overhead, one that has been observed to put the burden of performance measurement and reporting on unrelated third-party Internet users, chasing an end-result that is often still not doing a very good job.

As far as DNS geo-mapping for the purposes of content steering today is concerned, the only way is up.

Rearchitecting the whole enterprise DNS and CDN industries is a task on a scale larger than moving from IPv4 to IPv6. However, what we *can* do is take specific components of the problem space and find more-elegant solutions. It seems to me that resolverless DNS has the potential to be one of those. The status quo here is almost not worth defending; some kind of change is needed.
