[rfc-i] ABNF Core Rule extensions

dhc at dcrocker.net (Dave Crocker) Sat, 31 January 2015 15:14 UTC

From: "dhc at dcrocker.net"
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2015 07:14:36 -0800
Subject: [rfc-i] ABNF Core Rule extensions
In-Reply-To: <54CCA4B0.4060506@gmx.de>
References: <54C3CF7F.6090901@seantek.com> <54C4AFF1.6030608@gmx.de> <54C7FAD7.7040500@alum.mit.edu> <54C870B5.7000205@seantek.com> <20150128173229.GC3110@localhost> <54C9632A.2040204@seantek.com> <20150128230227.GG3110@localhost> <54CB6B9A.1080801@seantek.com> <54CBB82F.2050007@alum.mit.edu> <54CBEB88.4020608@dcrocker.net> <20150130214124.GN3110@localhost> <54CC1074.3060306@dcrocker.net> <54CC93FA.2030806@gmx.de> <1v7pcatvrhpicaikakhifutocl2nfc2eoq@hive.bjoern.hoehrmann.de> <54CCA4B0.4060506@gmx.de>
Message-ID: <54CCF15C.5030606@dcrocker.net>

On 1/31/2015 1:47 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:
> It would be cool is someone who has got the email could make them
> available somewhere.

I've put a copy of what I saved from last year's discussion on the ABNF
list at Dropbox:



ps.  I've copied IETF-Action (and Barry) in case they want/can copy the
messages into the abnf-discuss archive, since it covered the decision to
modify an existing Full Internet Standard.

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking