Re: [Rfcplusplus] Qualified labels
Robert Sparks <> Tue, 10 July 2018 02:44 UTC
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Subject: Re: [Rfcplusplus] Qualified labels
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On 7/9/18 9:23 PM, Brian E Carpenter wrote: > Hi, > > I don't think there's any disagreement that better labels are > desirable. I do think this would all be a lot simpler if we > could just agree to move to a single-stage standards track, > but since we must support status changes within the standards > track, including obsoletion, we are forced to have external > labels that are not in the archived format. That's an opportunity > as well as a challenge. So here's a proposal: > > 1) Continue to use the RFC series as today for multiple purposes. > But recognise more clearly that the number is an archival reference. > > 2) For all normal purposes, including citations, use a *qualified* > label. Rather than writing a formal definition, there's an example > of each qualifier below. > > An advantage is that this can be retrofitted straightforwardly > to *all* RFCs, indexes, citation libraries, etc. If we were to pursue this path: That's not quite straightforward. It's easy if you just snapshot the current qualifiers, but if you want to be historically correct, it's going to take some non-straightforward work. It would also need a decision about edges like the following (both for handling what has happened, and what could happen in the future): Would RFC5249-INFO and RFC5249-PS be different documents, or aliases for the same document? (I assume having RFC5249-INFO disappear from the archival record would be unacceptable). How would a user finding RFC5249-INFO learn about RFC5249-PS? (And a string of very familiar questions would follow here). > And it > could be removed just as easily if it proves to be a problem > rather than a solution. > > RFC8200-STD (or RFC8200-STD86) > RFC8414-PS > RFC5681-DS > RFC2026-BCP (or RFC2026-BCP9) > > RFC7557-EXPT > RFC8394-INFO (for IETF informationals) > RFC7663-IAB > RFC7575-RSCH (for IRTF informationals) > RFC8351-INDEP (for Independent informationals) > > RFC2460-OBS > RFC1128-UNK > RFC1130-HIST > > Regards > Brian > > _______________________________________________ > Rfcplusplus mailing list > >
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Qualified labels Robert Sparks
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Qualified labels Robert Sparks
- [Rfcplusplus] Qualified labels Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Qualified labels Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Qualified labels Alice Russo
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Qualified labels Alice Russo
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Qualified labels Brian E Carpenter