[Rfcplusplus] What would the ISE publish [Was: Conversation as metaphor]

"RFC ISE (Adrian Farrel)" <rfc-ise@rfc-editor.org> Tue, 10 July 2018 22:20 UTC

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Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2018 15:20:12 -0700
From: "RFC ISE (Adrian Farrel)" <rfc-ise@rfc-editor.org>
To: Andrew Sullivan <ajs@anvilwalrusden.com>
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Andrew Sullivan wrote:

> It is an interesting
> question whether, if I wanted to publish an RFC about Wittgenstein's
> remarks on colour, whether the ISE would consider it.  We do have the
> April 1st ones, after all.

If the question is so interesting you could, of course, ask the ISE and
get an answer. :-)

To save you the trouble...

RFC 4846 provides some good guidance that I consider a little loose. The
list of document types in Section 2 starts well mentioning "Internet" or
"IETF" in every bullet. But then it stops doing that (perhaps the authors
got tired of typing the same thing?).

In my opinion all IS publications must be related to the Internet and/or
the workings of the IETF. That applies even to "Satirical material,"
"Eulogies," and "Meeting notes and reports".

I'm open to a discussion of that, and the easiest way to test it is to
write your draft and ask for publication. Until then, the only connection
to the Internet that I can see is that "Remarks on Colour is considered
difficult on account of its fragmentation," [1] suggesting that
Wittgenstein may have had opinions on what to do when the link MTU was

Of course, I have not been in harness long enough for anyone to establish
a pattern for what documents I consider in or out of scope. I will always
be interested to hear when a document I am considering or publication is
considered out of scope.


[1] McGinn, M. (October 1991). "Wittgenstein's Remarks on Colour".
Philosophy. 66 (258): 435–453. doi:10.1017/S0031819100065104. JSTOR

Adrian Farrel (ISE),