Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us

Joseph Lorenzo Hall <> Tue, 10 July 2018 22:05 UTC

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From: Joseph Lorenzo Hall <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2018 18:05:41 -0400
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To: Bob Hinden <>
Cc: Richard Barnes <>, "Joel M. Halpern" <>,
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Subject: Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us
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On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 5:51 PM Bob Hinden <> wrote:

> On Jul 10, 2018, at 1:56 PM, Richard Barnes <> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 4:11 PM Bob Hinden <> wrote:
>> Richard,
>> On Jul 10, 2018, at 7:21 AM, Richard Barnes <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 6:32 PM Joel M. Halpern <>
>> wrote:
>>> This formulation assumes that change does not have a cost.  It does.  I
>>> agree that not changing has some cost.  However, absent indication that
>>> the changes will actually address the claimed problem...
>> People are presenting indications.  Attach what caveats you need to my
>> little study; it's still real data from a relevant population.  Do you have
>> better data?
>> When I saw the survey, after I filled it in, I noticed that I could do it
>> again. There didn’t appear to be a mechanism to keep anyone from taking it
>> multiple times.   Based on this, I don’t think one can draw any conclusions.
> Do you ever use telemetry from fielded products?  How do you know your
> competitors aren't feeding you bad data?
> You point is?  That your flawed survey is OK because there are other
> flawed surveys?
I have a hard time seeing any survey research design that would convince
this group, and I think that Richard's survey is a non-trivial effort to
get some granted ugly data.

As Richard pointed out, I guess I'm the noob here on the list, having been
attending IETFs since IETF 89 in London, about 4.5 years ago. I must admit
I still find so much of IETF a bit baffling... now that I'm approaching my
IETF adolescence, I'm starting to understand why certain things are the way
they are at IETF, and I'm thankful that it does what it does well and
thoroughly. (I've even chipped in on the IASA 2.0 effort to help adapt
IETF's administrative structure for the future.)

However, the document series still baffles me, and I know a lot of folks
that squint at IETF and don't understand any of the distinctions we do (I
would have answered the survey question as there being only 4 document
series). Alissa had the unenviable task at one point of sitting me down and
telling me the difference between and ID and RFC, even after I had
thoroughly read the Tao and been to a couple IETFs. (The ID we've been
working on for a while I even named (incorrectly) when setting up a github
repository as an RFC: ).

I'll throw my hat in and say I'd like to see data, qualitative or
quantitative. I'm a mixed methods researcher and have experience in both. I
know a number of us have had enough informal discussions with "liminal"
IETF participants that there is enough confusion here to explore doing
something about it. That may not warrant an immediate document identifier
experiment, but I think we could settle on some sort of research design
that would provide essentially something like "running code" we could work
with. cheers, Joe

Joseph Lorenzo Hall
Chief Technologist, Center for Democracy & Technology []
1401 K ST NW STE 200, Washington DC 20005-3497
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