Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor
Andrew Sullivan <> Tue, 10 July 2018 19:28 UTC
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Subject: Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor
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On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 12:19:58PM -0700, Bob Hinden wrote: > Worse, I suspect it will make it harder. Of course, as people have pointed out in other threads, we actually just have no real data about this and our gut feelings about what might happen are not a good guide. > The RFC Series is well known, the “IRTF-Masterpice” series will be > new and not trusted. One thing we _do_ have some data about is the low regard in which the RFC series is held in many academic contexts, because it is not considered a peer reviewed publication and because it is often considered a series for technical standards rather than for academic research. That is data that has been provided by various IRTF participants over several years, and with few exceptions I'm unaware of that having changed in any large degree recently. A different series with a different publication standard might have an easier time of getting acceptance for this role than an established one that "everyone knows" isn't a peer-reviewed publication. Certainly in the mists of time when I was still an aspiring academic, it was easier to establish a new journal's reputation than it was to rectify the reputation of a journal that was widely regarded as having passed its peak. Rather than speculating, however, I'd be inclined to do some research on journal ranking in the past decade among computer science people. This is again something that I doubt can be done without some investment. Best regards, A -- Andrew Sullivan
- [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Ted Hardie
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Eliot Lear
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Eric C Rosen
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Ted Hardie
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Ted Hardie
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Bob Hinden
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Andrew Sullivan
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Bob Hinden
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Eric C Rosen
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Eric Rescorla
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Ted Hardie
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Aaron Falk
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Andrew Sullivan
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Ted Hardie
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Aaron Falk
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Eric C Rosen
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Aaron Falk
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Melinda Shore
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Aaron Falk
- [Rfcplusplus] What would the ISE publish [Was: Co… RFC ISE (Adrian Farrel)
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Brian Trammell (IETF)
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Ted Hardie
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Peter Saint-Andre
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor RFC ISE (Adrian Farrel)
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Peter Saint-Andre
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor S Moonesamy
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Peter Saint-Andre
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Eric Rescorla
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Eliot Lear
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor S Moonesamy
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Martin Thomson
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Joel M. Halpern
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Martin Thomson
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Eliot Lear
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor S Moonesamy
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Conversation as metaphor Aaron Falk