Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us
"Paul Hoffman" <> Tue, 10 July 2018 15:20 UTC
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Subject: Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us
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On 10 Jul 2018, at 10:45, Andrew Sullivan wrote: > Hi, > > On Mon, Jul 09, 2018 at 06:32:28PM -0400, Joel M. Halpern wrote: >> This formulation assumes that change does not have a cost. It does. >> I >> agree that not changing has some cost. However, absent indication >> that the >> changes will actually address the claimed problem, paying the various >> direct >> and indirect costs of changing things is not inherently a good thing. > > I think this argument would be stronger if we understood what your > estimation of the costs are. The analysis underpinning the proposal > (in the BoF request), as near as I can tell, is that the costs are the > using up of a few letters (for new series names) plus the cost of > possibly reserving RFC numbers for the alternative series publications > (in case they turn out not to work after 3 or more years), plus the > costs to tooling changes. Are there other costs you can think of? 1) Human costs for all authors for pointing to the new series while the experiment is running. 2) Human costs of arguing about how to measure the successfulness of the experiment. 3) If the experiment ends in failure (likely because we can't evaluate if there is less confusion with the new series than in the current setup), we will either have a bunch of small vestigial series with a bunch of RFCs pointing to them, or we have to update all of the RFCs that have pointers to the new series to instead point to the RFC numbers. > Keep in mind, the proposal is for an experiment. Experiments do > indeed result in some costs, and I think it is entirely reasonable to > ask what those costs really would be. But I also think we ought to > keep in mind the potential benefit of the experiment, which is to do > an empirical evaluation of whether the long-debated confusion can be > clarified (at least, in this way). We have not seen any suggestion of how such an empirical evaluation would take place. We have not seen any suggestion for, even if we could measure the problem today and a reduction of the measured problem, how much reduction would be labeled "success". --Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Richard Barnes
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Eliot Lear
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Eliot Lear
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Andrew Sullivan
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Richard Barnes
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Joel M. Halpern
- [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Richard Barnes
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Adrian Farrel
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us John C Klensin
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Andrew G. Malis
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Eric C Rosen
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us John C Klensin
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Bob Hinden
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Richard Barnes
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Bob Hinden
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Richard Barnes
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Joseph Lorenzo Hall
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Joel M. Halpern
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Alissa Cooper
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us S Moonesamy
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Joseph Lorenzo Hall
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us John C Klensin
- Re: [Rfcplusplus] Sunk cost + not about us Alissa Cooper