[rmcat] Agenda planning: request for slides on feedback requirements
Anna Brunstrom <anna.brunstrom@kau.se> Tue, 01 March 2016 15:44 UTC
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Hi all, On of the items that we plan to discuss in BA is the feedback requirements of the candidate algorithms and the possibility for a common feedback format. In preparation for this discussion, we would like to ask the authors of each candidate algorithm to send a few slides to the chairs describing: 1) The feedback requirements of your algorithm 2) The needed feedback intensity 3) Proposed feedback format (when available) We plan to combine the received material into a common slide set that can be used as a basis for the discussion. To allow us to get an overview of the material and plan the discussion, please send your slides to the chairs by March 15. Thanks! Anna & Mirja
- [rmcat] Agenda planning: request for slides on fe… Anna Brunstrom