[rmcat] Please send agenda requests!

Mirja Kühlewind <mirja.kuehlewind@tik.ee.ethz.ch> Wed, 03 February 2016 16:12 UTC

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Cc: Karen Elisabeth Egede Nielsen <karen.nielsen@tieto.com>, Anna Brunström <anna.brunstrom@kau.se>
Subject: [rmcat] Please send agenda requests!
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Hi all,

we started the planning for our next meeting. We believe there are enough 
things we need to discuss as a group that we will be able to fill our usual 
2.5h slot. However, please send agenda requests now, such that we are able to 
better plan the meeting!

Further, we would like to get a impression who is planning to participate the 
meeting (in person or remotely), as we assume that there might be less people 
that usually. Please reply to this mail, or just to the chairs directly, and 
let us know if you are planning to come or if you know for sure that you will 
not be there!

Mirja, Anna and Karen