[Roll] home-building-requirements section 7.1

Michael Richardson <mcr+ietf@sandelman.ca> Sun, 23 November 2014 21:16 UTC

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I am very pleased with the document; I hope the WG is reading it, and is
also happy with it.

In secton 7.1 you mention use of PANA to secure new nodes.
The reference seems very hesistant, and the DTLS relay is just kind of
thrown in.   Can you make this recommendation more concrete? Or remove it.

If it's PANA, I assume EAP is involved, and so what what EAP methods should
be used?

I think that, having read this document, I ought to be able to create a
light-bulb or light switch --- I think that I can make it function in the
network, but I don't think it will use the same enrollment tools at all, and
I'd sure like to change that.  I don't mind being really really specific
here: I encourage it. 

I also don't know what protocol to use for turning lights on/off, but I
acknowledge that is out of scope for the ROLL WG to specify.  Perhaps there
is an informative reference I missed.

I think that unless you have a specific way to use the DTLS relay, you should
remove the reference -- it doesn't help anyone trying to implement an
interoperable device.

Michael Richardson <mcr+IETF@sandelman.ca>, Sandelman Software Works 
IETF ROLL WG co-chair.    http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/roll/charter/