Re: [Roll] FW: New Version Notification for draft-ietf-roll-dis-modifications-01.txt

<> Tue, 04 February 2020 15:31 UTC

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Hello Abdussalam,

Sorry to respond so late, your mail below became hidden under the pile-up after IETF106.
You're right that draft-ietf-roll-dis-modifications-01.txt adds new behaviour to 6550, and so it looks that it should update 6550.
However, we already knew we wanted to do dis-modifications at the time we wrote 6550, therefore we put a sentence in there "unless a flag modifies this behaviour".
I would therefore think that, formally, 6550 is not updated by dis-modifications.
I will need to double check with our AD's on this, though.
Thanks for spotting this and letting us now!
Best regards,


De : Roll <<>> on behalf of Abdussalam Baryun <<>>
Répondre à : "<>" <<>>
Date : Monday 25 November 2019 07:43
À : "<>" <<>>
Objet : Re: [Roll] FW: New Version Notification for draft-ietf-roll-dis-modifications-01.txt


I think this draft should update the RFC6550 but the draft did not mention updating,


On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 11:03 AM <<>> wrote:
Hello all,

In light of the current discussions on adding flags and generally
improving the behavior of DIS messages, I've just republished the old
dis-modifications draft with Informational status.
The purpose is to provide the WG with the use cases that were described in
that draft.
Except for the issue date and version, the draft is unchanged from -00.
Best regards,


Le 21/11/19 16:57, «<> » <<>>
a écrit :

>A new version of I-D, draft-ietf-roll-dis-modifications-01.txt
>has been successfully submitted by Dominique Barthel and posted to the
>IETF repository.
>Name:          draft-ietf-roll-dis-modifications
>Revision:      01
>Title:         DIS Modifications
>Document date: 2019-11-21
>Group:         roll
>Pages:         15
>   This document augments RFC6550 with DIS flags and options that
>   allow a RPL node to better control how neighbor RPL routers respond
>   to its solicitation for DIOs.
>Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of
>until the htmlized version and diff are available at<>.
>The IETF Secretariat


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