[Roll] Closure text for ticket #92

Mukul Goyal <mukul@uwm.edu> Wed, 11 April 2012 23:29 UTC

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Subject: [Roll] Closure text for ticket #92
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#92: Is it possible to make P2P-RPL independent of trickle algorithm

No. P2P-RPL depends on DAG creation for route discovery which inturn inherently depends on trickle algorithm.


 Another point that has been discussed today during the ROLL meeting, is  that some people may find other mechanisms than trickle more efficient to  flood the RDO.
 Could we let the door opened to other flooding optimization mechanism, or  explicitly say that the trickle mechanism MUST be used ?

 I think inherent dependence on the trickle mechanism is apparent because  of the fact that the route discovery takes place by forming a temporary  DAG. DAG creation (or DIO generation) depends on trickle algorithm. So,  P2P-RPL also depends on trickle algorithm. P2P-RPL being an extension of  core RPL, I dont think there is a way to separate P2P-RPL from trickle  algorithm.

Fine. If this is needed for RPL compliancy, then I agree.