Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN

Don Sturek <> Wed, 15 October 2014 20:24 UTC

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Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 13:23:56 -0700
From: Don Sturek <>
To: Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks <>
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Thread-Topic: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN
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Cc: "IJsbrand Wijnands (iwijnand)" <>
Subject: Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN
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Hi Carsten,

On your questions posed below:
1)  We are using non-storing
2)  Distribution of group sizes.   This is a tough question.  I think some
groups may be nearly the size of the entire network (say I want to send a
message to all of my smart meters but don't need the relays or AP's to get
the message).   Some may be regionally focused and therefore small (eg, I
have an outage and I want the smart meters in one location to report on
the quality of the electric service they are seeing).   Some may be
geographically focused (like the example for the street light application
wanting to manage street lights around a festival).  I think the right
answer here is we want applications to opt in/opt out of application
multicast groups and we want the network forwarding to be smart enough to
not flood the entire network if that is not needed.  I know that is not
the answer you are particularly looking for but I think that is the right
answer.  By the way, if I have an application multicast group that is
nearly the entire population of the network, it would be really great if
the network operator knew this and reduced those types of multicast
transmissions.   The biggest savings would be where we really only want to
hit devices in a certain georgraphy and now we don't need every device in
the network to see that traffic.....

If we do this right, then we will arm the application developers with the
ability to create their own groups (with some knowledge/understanding from
the network operator) and the ability for the forwarding of the multicast
traffic to avoid saturating the network with broadcast traffic that is not
needed for that application multicast group.


On 10/15/14 1:08 PM, "Carsten Bormann" <> wrote:

>Hi Don,
>this sounds exactly like a use case our multicasting approach can solve.
>Two questions:
>1) Are you using storing or non-storing mode for RPL?
>2) For the kinds of groups below, was is the likely distribution of group
>Grüße, Carsten
>On 15 Oct 2014, at 18:58, Don Sturek <> wrote:
>> 4)  From an application point of view, we want to use special
>>application-defined multicast groups for things like:
>>        A.    Control a geographic collection of street lights (like all
>>the ones in an area where there is to be a festival this evening)
>>        B.    Control a geographically  diverse collection of devices
>>that are not the entire population (for example, I want a message sent
>>to all of my pre-pay customers which are mainly focused in some
>>neighborhoods, less in others)
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