[Roll] I-D Action: draft-ietf-roll-nsa-extension-08.txt
internet-drafts@ietf.org Fri, 27 March 2020 16:48 UTC
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A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories. This draft is a work item of the Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks WG of the IETF. Title : Common Ancestor Objective Function and Parent Set DAG Metric Container Extension Authors : Remous-Aris Koutsiamanis Georgios Papadopoulos Nicolas Montavont Pascal Thubert Filename : draft-ietf-roll-nsa-extension-08.txt Pages : 17 Date : 2020-03-27 Abstract: Packet Replication and Elimination is a method in which several copies of a data packet are sent in the network in order to achieve high reliability and low jitter. This document details how to apply Packet Replication and Elimination in RPL, especially how to exchange information within RPL control packets to let a node better select the different parents that will be used to forward the multiple copies of a packet. This document also describes the Objective Function which takes advantage of this information to implement multi-path routing. The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-roll-nsa-extension/ There are also htmlized versions available at: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-roll-nsa-extension-08 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-roll-nsa-extension-08 A diff from the previous version is available at: https://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-ietf-roll-nsa-extension-08 Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission until the htmlized version and diff are available at tools.ietf.org. Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at: ftp://ftp.ietf.org/internet-drafts/
- [Roll] I-D Action: draft-ietf-roll-nsa-extension-… internet-drafts
- Re: [Roll] I-D Action: draft-ietf-roll-nsa-extens… Remous-Aris Koutsiamanis