Re: [Roll] UNaware leaves (4)
"Pascal Thubert (pthubert)" <> Thu, 29 August 2019 16:05 UTC
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From: "Pascal Thubert (pthubert)" <>
To: Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks <>
Thread-Topic: [Roll] UNaware leaves (4)
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Subject: Re: [Roll] UNaware leaves (4)
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Hello Michael The rest below: > > I want to get rid of the IPIP headers not because they take space, but because > the represent code paths not frequently taken. In particular, the hop-by-hop > IPIP header just pisses me off. Yes; By definition a RPL aware leaf applies useofrplinfo and a RUL does not know RPL. We're on a fine line. I've added text that I wish you e > > From then on, the 6LN periodically sends a new NS(EARO) to refresh > > the NCE state before the lifetime indicated in the EARO expires, with > > TID that is incremented each time till it wraps in a lollipop > > fashion. As long as the 'R' flag is set and this router can still > > lollipop fashion probably needs a reference. What does TID start with? > (what's the stick of the lollipop? I guess this is in 8505, but reviewers > probably won't know this unless we tell them) Added references to section 5.2.1 of RFC 8505. > > I think that "is left to zero" is a bit awkward. > I think that "is zero" is better? > I think that the Opaque field isn't zero, but is empty? OK > > o the External 'E' flag in the Transit Information Option (TIO) > > associated to the Target Option is set to indicate that the 6LR > > redistributes an external target into the RPL network. This is > > how the Root knows in Non-Storing Mode to use IP-in-IP and > > terminate the outters headers at the 6LR that generated the DAO. > > There are a lot of other circumstances in which the root has to use an IPIP. I > think that it would be better to say: > > } o the External 'E' flag in the Transit Information Option (TIO) > } associated to the Target Option is set to indicate that the 6LR > } redistributes an external target into the RPL network. When > } the Root has to use an IP-in-IP [useofrplinfo], then this flag > } indicates the IP-in-IP should be addressed to this node. > Picked. *Important Note:* that for a basic RUL the tunnel must terminate at the parent, which must be known to do the encaps. Only non storing signaling allows that. S I propose that for external routes, we use non-storing signaling even in a storing mode DODAG. Proposed text RPL data packets are often encapsulated using IP-in-IP and in Non-Storing Mode, packets going down will carry an SRH as well. RPL data packets also typically carry a Hop-by-Hop Header to transport a RPL Packet Information (RPI) <xref target="RFC6550"/>. These additional headers are called RPL artifacts. When IP-in-IP is used and the outer headers terminate at a 6LR down the path, then the 6LR decapsulates the IP-in-IP and the packet that is forwarded to the external destination is free of RPL artifacts. IP-in-IP to the 6LR MUST be used if the final destination cannot handle or ignore the RPL artifacts or the way they are compressed <xref target="RFC8138"/>. An External route indicates by default a node or a prefix that is not known to handle or ignore the RPL artifacts. The RECOMMENDED behaviour when using IP-in-IP to an External route is that the outter headers terminate at the 6LR that injected the External route. Non-Storing Mode signaling MUST be used to inject External routes to the Root in order to advertise the 6LR that is associated to a RUL. > I think that traffic from the Root to the RAN will not need an IP-IP, > just the RH3/RPI, which the RAN will skip. Traffic from elsewhere > will have an IPIP in for that Root to add the RH3/RPI. But, since the RAN will > skip IPIP, the Root could address traffic. > > Are there projected DAO interactions where the Root arranges for traffic to > go laterally across the DODAG that might need some consideration here? I do not see that, need more thoughts > > ASIDE: should this document effectively Update UseofRPLINFO? Not sure, please reviews the new text above on using non storing signaling etc.. > Security Considerations will probably need another page. Yes. Michael: the ball is yours now. Can you please proofread and if we agree I'll publish and raise attention on the changes we just discussed here. Many thanks Pascal
- Re: [Roll] UNaware leaves (4) Pascal Thubert (pthubert)