[Roll] MRHOF draft-11 comments
"Mani, Mehdi" <Mehdi.Mani@itron.com> Wed, 25 July 2012 14:02 UTC
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Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 07:02:10 -0700
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In section 3.3, it seems that the rank value using the case 3 is always less than the one calculated in case 2; then it is useless to have it. (if my understanding is true!) This is basically because the highest "rank increase" that would be possible is equal to MaxRankIncrese. As an example imagine that a node (say N) has 3 father F1, F2 and F3 with respectively the ranks 50, 40 and 30. Imagine that MaxRankIncrese is 20 and MinRankIncrease is 2. Then imagine that: Link N --> F1 gives a rank increase = 6 Link N --> F2 gives a rank increase = MaxRankIncrese = 20 Link N --> F3 gives a rank increase = 10 Case 2 gives: Rank=52 (Worst Father rank belongs to F1) Case 3 gives: 40+20-20=40 (Since the highest rank is through F2) Now consider the same example but with this changes (this is the worst case where the link to the father with worst rank gives also the highest rank increase): Link N --> F1 gives a rank increase = MaxRankIncrese = 20 Link N --> F2 gives a rank increase = 8 Link N --> F3 gives a rank increase = 10 Case 2 gives: Rank=52 Case 3 gives: 50+20-20=50 (Since the highest rank is through F1) Thanks -Mehdi
- [Roll] MRHOF draft-11 comments Mani, Mehdi
- Re: [Roll] MRHOF draft-11 comments Abdussalam Baryun
- Re: [Roll] MRHOF draft-11 comments Philip Levis