[Roll] enrollment priority
Rahul Jadhav <rahul.ietf@gmail.com> Fri, 10 April 2020 08:34 UTC
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From: Rahul Jadhav <rahul.ietf@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2020 16:34:05 +0800
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Subject: [Roll] enrollment priority
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Hi Michael, Following are my thoughts about this work: IMO, the enrollment-priority is needed for all the use-cases mentioned in the draft and we had ourselves faced problems [1] where this could have helped. The draft may not give a mechanism to calculate min-priority and I assume there won't be just a single way to calculate it. The draft can simply mention that value of 127 means that the proxy is not available for the join process and the draft already does this. The draft should make it clear that the min-priority can only be reduced or kept the same (i.e., the min-priority absolute value can only increase, thus reducing priority) going downstream in the sub-DODAG. For e.g., if a 6LR sets the min-priority to 10, the downstream 6LRs can only set the value >= 10 in their min-priority. Consider the following scenario (the attached image will help explain): Node C's preferred parent is node B and alt parent is node A. What happens if the min-priority of node B changes to 127 after the node C has joined the network with B as a preferred parent? I am assuming that the min-priority impacts only the newly joining nodes i.e., once node B changes the priority to 127 then node C also changes the priority to 127 and thus no new nodes join. However, the change in node B's min-priority may not impact node C's decision to continue using node B as the preferred parent (?). What happens when node C has alternate parent node A whose priority is lesser than 127. Should node C switch to node A so as to allow new downstream nodes to join the network? I don't believe there would be backward compatibility issues with this new option, but the draft can clarify this explicitly. We tried working on a problem-statement in the past in LWIG [1] which talked about how to handle the case where some upstream nodes cache (routing/neighbor) is full and how would it stop the new downstream nodes to attach in that path. Enrollment priority was referenced as a possible solution. Best, Rahul [1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-lwig-nbr-mgmt-policy-03
- [Roll] enrollment priority Rahul Jadhav
- Re: [Roll] enrollment priority Michael Richardson
- Re: [Roll] enrollment priority Rahul Jadhav
- Re: [Roll] enrollment priority Michael Richardson
- Re: [Roll] enrollment priority Michael Richardson