Re: [Roll] FW: New Version Notification for draft-thubert-roll-eliding-dio-information-01.txt

"Li Zhao (liz3)" <> Wed, 23 October 2019 03:02 UTC

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From: "Li Zhao (liz3)" <>
To: Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks <>
Thread-Topic: [Roll] FW: New Version Notification for draft-thubert-roll-eliding-dio-information-01.txt
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Subject: Re: [Roll] FW: New Version Notification for draft-thubert-roll-eliding-dio-information-01.txt
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Many thanks, Rahul. I’ve committed to my repo and raise a pull-request.

Best regards,

From: Roll <> on behalf of Rahul Jadhav <>
Reply-To: Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks <>
Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 10:51
To: Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks <>
Subject: Re: [Roll] FW: New Version Notification for draft-thubert-roll-eliding-dio-information-01.txt

Hello Li,
You need to fork the repo and then make the changes in your repo where you will have all the permissions.
Once the changes are done(committed and pushed) to your forked repo, you need to raise a pull-request to the roll-wg repo (usually called as upstream repo).
The changes can then be reviewed and accepted by chairs or Pascal (creator of the repo).

From: Roll <> on behalf of Li Zhao (liz3) <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2019 2:26 AM
To: Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks <>
Subject: Re: [Roll] FW: New Version Notification for draft-thubert-roll-eliding-dio-information-01.txt

Hello Pascal,

Yes. My account is dreamlich. May I know how to request the permission?

Best regards,

On 2019/10/22, 23:27, "Roll on behalf of Pascal Thubert (pthubert)" < on behalf of> wrote:

    Do you have a github account, Li?



    > Le 22 oct. 2019 à 16:36, Li Zhao (liz3) <> a écrit :
    > Hello Again Pascal,
    > I've written it down but it seems that I don't have permission to push it to github.
    > The main change is in section 4.3 as following:
    > The abbreviated version of an option is a replacement for any option.
    >   It does not advertise the content of the option but indicates the
    >   sender's value for the last modified sequence of that option. It
    >   is transported in a 4-bytes long Abbreviated Option Option (AOO).
    >   AOO MAY be present in DIO and DAO messages as follows:
    >     0                   1                   2                   3
    >     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
    >     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    >     |  Option Type  | Option Length | Abbrev. opt.  | Last Mod Seq. |
    >     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    >                 Figure 3: Abbreviated Option Option Format
    >   Option fields:
    >   Option Type
    >      One byte indicating "Abbreviated Option", see Table 2 in
    >      Section 8.2
    >   Option Length
    >      MUST be set to 2 indicating Option data of 2 bytes
    >   Abbreviated Option
    >      The Option Type of the option being abbreviated
    >   Last Modification Sequence
    >      The last modified RCSS when carried in DIO or the last modified
    >      DAOSequence when carried in DAO
    >   When a node receives a DAO-ACK for a given DAO sequence, then if the
    >   next DAO has the unchanged options, the node MAY reuse the DAOsequence
    >   and elide all options with AOO. Abbreviated Option SHOULD be ignored.
    >   The Last Modification Sequence is the last DAOsequence. The next DAO
    >   MAY also unset ‘K’ flag to not expect a DAO-ACK, if node can assume
    >   the risk that the DAO is lost and the state times out at the DAO
    >   receiver. It is RECOMMENDED in non-storing mode because DAO always has
    >   the same content.
    > Best regards,
    > Li
    > On 2019/10/22, 19:27, "Roll on behalf of Li Zhao (liz3)" < on behalf of> wrote:
    >    Hello Pascal,
    >    Agree with you.
    >    We can use AOO with last Modification DAO sequence to elide all options in DAO. In this case, we can ignore the Abbreviated Option field or set it to 0xFF. Which do you prefer?
    >    For the DAO lost case, even in normal DAO case, node has the risk of lost DAO message. Node should set 'K' flag according to different network environment.
    >    It should also work in DAO-AOO case. Admin can balance the risk of lost DAO message and 4-bytes DAO-ACK load.
    >    Best regards,
    >    Li
    >    On 2019/10/22, 16:53, "Roll on behalf of Pascal Thubert (pthubert)" < on behalf of> wrote:
    >        Hello Again Li:
    >        I looked at it and an simple step could be that when a node receives a DAO-ACK for a given DAO sequence, then if the next DAO has the same content the node may reuse the DAO sequence and elide the options. It may also decide not refrain from asking an ack, at the risk that the DAO is lost and the state times out at the DAO receiver.
    >        All the best;
    >        Pascal
    >        -----Original Message-----
    >        From: Roll <> On Behalf Of Pascal Thubert (pthubert)
    >        Sent: mardi 22 octobre 2019 07:58
    >        To: Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks <>
    >        Subject: Re: [Roll] FW: New Version Notification for draft-thubert-roll-eliding-dio-information-01.txt
    >        Hello Li
    >        Would be great!
    >        The xml is available on github under roll-wg.
    >        My expectation is that the source of the non storing DAO increases a sequence nb when there is a change and abbreviates it when there is none.
    >        You need to think of what happens when the updated DAO is lost, eg MUST an ack or something and only abbreviate after a positive DAO ACK...
    >        Regards,
    >        Pascal
    >> Le 22 oct. 2019 à 04:29, Li Zhao (liz3) <> a écrit :
    >> Hello Pascal,
    >> It looks good if router always need these options. And if a node wants to act as a leaf, it can only request R/D/P.
    >> I'm interested and it's my pleasure to add some sections for AOO-DAO. I'll send it to you later.
    >> Best regards,
    >> Li
    >> On 2019/10/21, 17:58, "Roll on behalf of Pascal Thubert (pthubert)" < on behalf of> wrote:
    >>   Hello Li (and all, please read on as there are additional things we could be doing with the draft listed below)
    >>   Let's see below
    >>   [Li] Do you mean that child should know ALL option type it needs before select the parent? E.g. one child need R/D/P/M/O to join network but another child only need R/D/P.
    >>   So how does child know this info? Is it pre-defined in child?
    >>   <Pascal> The draft assumes that all R/D/P/M/O are always present and always needed. This seems to be the general case. We can make it so that one option would not be present by indicating in the DIO if you think that case is relevant. Please let me know.
    >>   But how will a child know that it does not need an option that is present? Maybe there is something in there that is mandatory to know, e.g., to act as a router. We could say that a node that does not pull all the options can only act as a leaf. Is that what you have in mind?
    >>       2. Is AOO necessary? If DIO can fragment options and don't always send all options, can we use DIO without options to indicate the AOO?
    >>           The shortest DIO Base Object without DODAGID is only 8 bytes.
    >>    <Pascal> AOO is RECOMMENDED to elide the option. A DIO an option elided (no option, no abbreviation) and an unchanged RCSS is perfectly OK. But if an option is elided AND the RCSS is incremented then after a reasonable time-out the children will pull the options to check if they changed and the parent will need to send either the AOO or the option in full or both in which case the RCSS of the AOO wins. It is always possible to place the option in full without a AOO but if it is done with an increased RCSS in the DIO that will mechanically increase the "RCSS of the option" as seen by the children and will cause the whole subdag to pull the option to no avail.
    >>    [Li] Agree, AOO is better than DIO with no option. It’s a nice abbreviated mechanism for RPL Control Message.
    >>          Can we consider to extend AOO for DAO? Maybe put AOO in a new Control Message Options, then DIO/DAO can both leverage it.
    >>          In some case, child will send large DAO packet to parent periodically. E.g. 1. child notifies its capability to parent .2 child has several RPL Target or Transit Information (storing mode?).
    >>   <Pascal> Yes we could. Say that the content of a non-storing DAO is fully stable, it could be all replaced by a sequence. Would you be interested in adding that?
    >>   If we have to abbreviate elements therein, per target, then we still need to indicate the target so we'll save little, and a different technique like indexing the targets with a BIER bit, would be more efficient.
    >>   Many thanks again and again Li, for your excellent comments.
    >>   Pascal
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