Re: [Roll] WG Virtual Meeting: 2020-05-25

Ines Robles <> Sun, 31 May 2020 20:12 UTC

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From: Ines Robles <>
Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 23:11:39 +0300
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Subject: Re: [Roll] WG Virtual Meeting: 2020-05-25
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Dear all,

Please find the link to the video of the meeting on 20200525:
- Note that all IETF Interim meetings are posted in Youtube.

Conclusions/Action Points of the meeting:

-- IETF 108: Form with questions related to -- meeting during IETF
108/meeting after IETF108-- to be sent shortly.

-- Backward compatibility and New Options:
Proposition 2
"Use second higher order bit of Option Type to indicate 'X' extended Option
Flag": More flexible than Proposition 1, need more examples to discuss, to
be included into MOPEX draft, Use Core-Flags as base: Critical, Elective
and Safte-to-Forward.  [minute 0:20 to minute 0:27]

-- Compression of Control Messages: The mechanism to be developed  do not
need to include information into nsa-extension, thus nsa-extension can move
forward. No objections [minute 0:37 to minute 0:43]

-- RPL-Observations: Important document to track the development of RPLv2

-- Draft-thubert-roll-eliding-dio-information: Please read and send your
review to the ML.

 -- RootAck:
Are there dependencies with unaware-leaves draft? [minute 1:39 to minutes
Handling Capability Query: Keep separte messages RootCapQuery and
CapResponse [minute 1:47 to minute 1:50]

--Open Floor: Good to have an interim meeting in June.


Comments welcome,

Thank you,

Ines and Dominique

On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 11:18 AM Ines Robles <>

> Dear all,
> Please find below information about the Today ROLL Interim Meeting:
> 1. Materials:
> Where you can find:
> 1.1 Proposed Agenda:
> 1.2 Complete Set of Slides:
> 2. Etherpad:
>  - Bluesheets: The Etherpad is working as blueesheet, so please remember
> to add your name  and affiliation. Please consider volunteer as
> minute-taker.
> 3- Jabber room: Information for setting
> 4. Please note that we aim to record the meeting. The link to the video
> recording is going to be available here
> 5. Webex details:
> Note that the webex will open 15 minutes before, in case that the
> presenters want to test screen-sharing, audio, video  features. We aim to
> have the meeting in two hours, however the webex is going to be open still
> 30 minutes more in case that some discussion requires more time or if
> someone wants to discuss with the chairs after the meeting, etc.
> Roll interim May meeting
> Hosted by ROLL WG
> Monday, May 25, 2020 6:45 am | 2 hours 45 minutes | (UTC-04:00) Eastern
> Time (US & Canada)
> Meeting number: 611 684 862
> Password: vbR9EnBMs98
> Join by video system
> Dial
> You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
> Join by phone
> 1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
> Access code: 611 684 862
> Comments welcome! :)
> Thank you,
> Ines and Dominique
> On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 12:00 PM Ines Robles <
>> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Please find below the agenda to the Monday 25th Interim meeting.
>> 11:00 - 11:10 [10 min] WG Status --IETF 108: Meeting Format (when we
>> meet? how much time, slots?) -- Ines/Dominique
>> 11:10 - 11:30 [20 min] draft-thubert-roll-eliding-dio-information --
>> Pascal
>> 11:30 - 11:50  [20 min] New Option and Backward compatibility  -- Everyone
>> 11:50 - 12:10  [20 min] Compression for control messages? Applicable for
>> nsa-extension --- Everyone
>> 12:10 - 12:30  [20 min] RPL Observation topics -- Everyone
>> 12:30 - 12:50  [20 min] RPL Ping -- Everyone
>> 12:50 -13:00  [10 min] Open Floor  -- Everyone
>> Please use
>> if you want to upload some slides for topic presentation
>> Comments welcome,
>> Thank you and best regards,
>> Ines and Dominique
>> On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 10:52 AM Pascal Thubert (pthubert) <pthubert=
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello Ines
>>> If time permits, I’d like to present the proposed operation of
>>> and get confirmation of the interest on the work by the WG. To go deeply in
>>> the proposed operation we probably need at least 20 minutes. Then we need
>>> to challenge it and improve the design, this could be started here and
>>> continued on the ML.
>>> For memory, this draft is the result of a past discussion at a ROLL
>>> interim. We found that the DIO could not be made larger and larger forever,
>>> and that eliding options would cause nodes to miss critical changes, which
>>> could have operational consequences. So we decided that RPLv2 must ensure
>>> that all nodes are synchronized on configuration changes and capability
>>> exchanges.
>>> As for other drafts, this is infrastructure work that we need before the
>>> new features come in. If we reach an agreement to continue with the work
>>> I’ll be happy to progress the draft and make the changes we decide in the
>>> personal submission.
>>> Take care,
>>> Pascal
>>> *From:* Roll <> *On Behalf Of *Ines Robles
>>> *Sent:* jeudi 14 mai 2020 09:20
>>> *To:* roll <>
>>> *Subject:* [Roll] WG Virtual Meeting: 2020-05-25
>>> Dear all,
>>> Please let us know the topics that you would like to discuss during the
>>> meeting by 19th May.
>>> So far we have a draft Agenda (topics resulting from the previous
>>> (04-29) interim meeting):
>>>    - New Option and Backward compatibility
>>>    - Compression for control messages? Applicable for nsa-extension
>>>    - RPL Observation topics
>>>    - RPL Ping
>>> You can upload the slides here:
>>> The link to the video recording will be available here:
>>> Webex details can be found below.
>>> Thank you and have a nice day,
>>> Ines and Dominique
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>> From: *IESG Secretary* <>
>>> Date: Thu, May 7, 2020 at 7:39 PM
>>> Subject: [Roll] Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks (roll) WG
>>> Virtual Meeting: 2020-05-25
>>> To: IETF-Announce <>
>>> Cc: <>
>>> The Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks (roll) Working Group will
>>> hold
>>> a virtual interim meeting on 2020-05-25 from 11:00 to 13:00 UTC.
>>> Agenda:
>>> Draft Agenda:
>>> New Option and Backward compatibility
>>> Compression for control messages? Applicable for nsa-extension
>>> RPL Observation topics
>>> RPL Ping
>>> Additional Items to be determined
>>> Information about remote participation:
>>> Roll interim May meeting Hosted by ROLL WG  Monday, May 25, 2020 6:45 am
>>> | 2 hours 45 minutes | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
>>> Meeting number: 611 684 862
>>> Password: vbR9EnBMs98
>>> Join by video system
>>> Dial
>>> You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
>>> Join by phone 1-650-479-3208
>>> Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
>>> Access code: 611 684 862
>>> Meeting Information like link to video recording , etc would be located
>>> in
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Roll mailing list
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Roll mailing list